April Dream Summary

omg. April was one of the most intense months I’ve had in a long while! I’m super excited to go into May (my birthday month!) after such a demanding April. It went by lightning fight and was filled to the brim with so.much.life! All good things, but busy, intense things at the same time. A few things knocked me off my daily routine (travel, etc.) and other things had me a little stressed out! It is absolutely no surprise that my dream life took a massive nosedive given how much attention I was focused on other bigger happenings.

Regardless, I had a great month, and I’m about to enter a very busy travel season that will stay busy through August. Though, I suspect there will be less other kinds of things happening in life during this travel period, but I am sure my dreams will look different again in the next few months. In any case, let me officially wrap up April and get into May - Happy Birthday to me!

April Favorites

  • 🏃‍♀️ RUN →
  • 🐕 Dogs & Trees

April Stats

  • Total Dreams: 66
  • Lucid Dreams: 6 (9%)
  • Regular Dreams: 60 (90%)
  • Nights with Recall: 29/30 (97%)
  • Nights with any Lucidity: 6/30 (20%)
  • Average Recall Per Night: 2
  • Highest Dreams in One Night: 7
  • Average Sleep Duration: 8h:01m
  • Average Dreams Per Month: 89
  • Average Lucid Dreams Per Month: 8


All-Time Total


As of April 30, 2023
Since June 7, 2018

April Total


March - 92
February - 98

April Regular


March - 85
February - 88

April Lucid (9%)


March - 07
February - 10



April Dreams

Images created with Midjourney.

March Dream Summary

March was a big month of dreaming, wrapping up a big season! The ebb and flow of dreaming is always so interesting, and the last three months have been super charged. Further, I reached dream 5,000 (WOW) on March 11, and it was such an exciting milestone. The next few months will see lots of travel and fun plans, so I am curious to discover how my dream life will take shape during a busier stretch. With so much travel, I’m actually hoping for a little bit of an ebb in dreams, as it becomes a bit overwhelming to catch up sometimes! Nonetheless, I have a pretty solid system for when I fall behind, but I much prefer to be up to date. And that’s thing with dreams - it’s all about being flexible… So, we shall see!

March Favorites

  • 🎤 Presentation Jitters
  • 🦅 Flying Over Iceland
  • 🌋 Norway Lava Flows
  • 💃 Luxury Tour Dreamer
  • ♠️ A Game Beyond the Obvious
  • 🚢 Antarctica Ship of Mascots

March Stats

  • Total Dreams: 92
  • Lucid Dreams: 7 (8%)
  • Regular Dreams: 85 (92%)
  • Nights with Recall: 28/31 (90%)
  • Nights with any Lucidity: 10/ 31 (x%)
  • Average Recall Per Night: 3
  • Highest Dreams in One Night: 7
  • Average Sleep Duration: 7h:59m
  • Average Dreams Per Month: 89
  • Average Lucid Dreams Per Month: 8


All-Time Total


As of March 31, 2023
Since June 7, 2018

March Total


February - 98
January - 90

March Regular


February - 88
January - 88

March Lucid (8%)


February - 10
January - 2



March Dreams

Images created with Midjourney.

5,000 Dreams Recorded!

5,000 Dreams over 1,739 Nights

It’s time to break out the bubbly (again!) in celebration of recording 5,000 dreams (OMG) in full detail since June 7, 2018! When I started this project in 2018, I was remembering one to dreams per week. PER WEEK. With time, dedication, and patience, I continue to record completed and detailed dream narratives three to four times per night and sometimes upward of seven to nine. I said the exact same thing at my last milestone, and I continue to be so impressed by the consistency of which my dreams behave. It’s astonishing!

How incredible is that? 5,000!!!!!

What a milestone! This work has been such an amazing, and my database is growing and growing. With 90+ different metrics per dream, I have so many patterns, insights, and techniques to work with. I've got several ongoing projects with all this amazing data in the works... one day I will set them free!

For each of these 1K milestones, I like to put a spotlight on just a few of data points covering the last 5,000 dreams! I am beyond proud of this work.

The duration is June 7, 2018 - March 11, 2023 or 1,739 Nights.⁠

And because I love data and stats so much (all tracked through a massive spreadsheet I created), here are some interesting gems about those 5,000 dreams since I started recording them in detail.


  • Total Dreams: 5,000⁠

  • Regular Dreams: 4,380 (88%)⁠

  • Lucid Dreams: 620 (12%)⁠

  • Percent of Nights with Recall: 92%⁠

  • Precent of Nights with Lucidity: 22%⁠

  • Percent Very High Lucidity: 8%⁠

  • Percent High Lucidity: 40%⁠

  • Percent Medium Lucidity: 37%⁠

  • Percent Low Lucidity: 16%⁠

  • Percent DILD: 58%⁠

  • Percent WILD: 25%⁠

  • Percent Other: 17%⁠

  • Intense Nightmares: 50 ⁠

  • Dreams with Recurring Themes: 235

  • False Awakenings: 61 ⁠

  • Epic or Big Dreams: 20 ⁠

  • Out of Body Dreams: 36 ⁠

  • Prophetic Dreams: 9

  • Percent Participant: 94%⁠

  • Percent Witness: 6%⁠

  • Percent Postive: 22%⁠

  • Percent Neutral: 50%⁠

  • Percent Negative: 28%⁠

  • Percent Realistic: 61%⁠

  • Percent Fantastical: 37%⁠

  • Percent Dreams I Like: 33%⁠

  • Percent Dreams Neutral: 56%⁠

  • Percent Dreams I Dislike: 11%⁠

  • Average Sleep Time: 12:26am⁠

  • Average Wake Time: 9:01am⁠

  • Average Sleep Duration: 8h 32m⁠

  • Average Number of Dreams per Month: 91

  • Average Number of Lucid Dreams per Month: 9




February Dream Summary

February dreams were off the charts, with an uptick in lucidity, overall recall and tons of long detail! It’s always exciting to see bumps like this, though dreams always ebb and flow. I attribute the spike to the seven books I read in February dedicated to either sleep or dreams! Of course, I tend to have high recall already, but the books seemed to have given that extra boost. But that’s not all! I’ve been experimenting with some new bedtime routines to optimize my sleep, re-introduced some days of meditation for closer study (more consistency is on the way!), and I’ve generally felt a higher dreaming energy lately!

And one more thing - it’s my favorite dreaming update! Many people love red light pens to record their dreams in the dark. I hate them! I need a very particular kind of pen to write, and it’s taken me a long time to test dozens of pens to find the best one for me. But, I’ve been getting increasingly sloppy with my night scribbles in darkness, so I had to find a solution. So, I found a small book light with a red bulb. It’s perfect! I absolutely love it. Now I simply switch it on in the middle of the night, and it gives me enough red light to see my notepad easily. Obsessed!

Phew! I guess, “that’s it!” Lol. Loving it. Time for some stats! ✨

February Favorites

  • 📖Illustrated Book of Silly Wisdom
  • 🐲D&D Live Show
  • 🍏Singing Apple Baskets
  • 🌃Not Afraid in New York
  • 🚪Entering the Dream
  • 🩱Encounter with “Swimming”
  • 🛏Photographer Who Dreams

February Stats

  • Total Dreams: 98
  • Lucid Dreams: 10 (10%)
  • Regular Dreams: 88 (90%)
  • Nights with Recall: 28/28 (100%)
  • Nights with any Lucidity: 10/ 28 (36%)
  • Average Recall Per Night: 3
  • Highest Dreams in One Night: 7
  • Average Sleep Duration: 8h:27m
  • Average Dreams Per Month: 91
  • Average Lucid Dreams Per Month: 9


All-Time Total


As of February 28, 2023
Since June 7, 2018

February Total


January - 90
December - 86

February Regular


January - 88
December - 79

February Lucid (10%)


January - 2
December - 7



February Dreams

Images created with Midjourney.

January Dream Summary

January sprinted by, wow! I suppose all months seem to zip through time, but for some reason, January felt extra speedy. Getting settled into the new year has been slow, despite the pace of the first month, but it’s been wonderful all the same.

I kicked off many dream projects in January that I am absolutely thrilled about. The most notable is an update to my insane dream spreadsheet. I created it in such a way that it only accommodates five years comfortable. It was such a milestone to complete the five year mark at the end of 2022, and I am so proud of that work! The new 2023-2027 took the entire month to get right. I removed some metrics that proved less interesting, and updated/added new and exciting variables. I can’t wait to see how it goes! I’ve learned so much from 2018-2022, and I think I’ve made the next set even better.

I’ve also been experimenting with some new dream recall practices, improving my bed time and dream time routines, and tidying up my night table with more accessible dream tools. I’m eager to see how these updates effect dreaming in 2023 and beyond!

But for now, let’s look back on January dream stats!

January Favorites

  • 📊 Designing in Spreadsheets
  • 🌏 Earth Tilt Apocolypse
  • 🐈 Cat House Podcast

January Stats

  • Total Dreams: 90
  • Lucid Dreams: 2 (2%)
  • Regular Dreams: 88 (98%)
  • Nights with Recall: 30/31 (97%)
  • Nights with any Lucidity: 2/31 (6%)
  • Average Recall Per Night: 3
  • Highest Dreams in One Night: 6
  • Average Sleep Duration: 8h:2m
  • Average Dreams Per Month: 89
  • Average Lucid Dreams Per Month: 7


All-Time Total


As of January 31, 2023
Since June 7, 2018

January Total


December - 86
November - 88

January Regular


December - 79
November - 84

January Lucid (2%)


December - 7
November - 4



January Dreams

Images created with Midjourney.

December Dream Summary

Wow! It’s 2023! I had a festive and exciting December, celebrating the holiday with travel and good fun. I also explored various uses of AI, and I am so excited by the possibilities of scale and automation with AI text and images. I’m also considering new ways to visualize dreams in the new year using these tools, so stay tuned!

In the next few weeks, I will be sharing some annual dream data which is always my favorite time of year! Though it take a while to produce. I’ve had some fun stats, including the longest dreaming streak which is very exciting!

In the new year, I am working on more and more data projects, helping to support the non-profit I am a part of, and so many more exciting things. Can’t wait to jump into all of that soon!

But of course, let's look back at December.

December Favorites

  • 🛳 Tanya’s Boat
  • 🏜 The Almost Amazing Gorge
  • 🐝 My Mom & The Bees
  • ✍️ Boring Dream Group

December Stats

  • Total Dreams: 86
  • Lucid Dreams: 7 (9%)
  • Regular Dreams: 79 (91%)
  • Nights with Recall: 30/31 (97%)
  • Nights with any Lucidity: 6/31 (19%)
  • Average Recall Per Night: 3
  • Highest Dreams in One Night: 6
  • Average Sleep Duration: 8h:2m
  • Average Dreams Per Month: 88
  • Average Lucid Dreams Per Month: 6


All-Time Total


As of December 31, 2022
Since June 7, 2018

December Total


November - 88
October - 86

December Regular


November - 84
October - 77

December Lucid (8%)


November - 4
October - 9



December Dreams

Images created with Midjourney.

Ring in the New Year with a Hatsuyume Dream!

Image by Ningyu He

Hatusyume is the first dream of the new year.

In Japanese traditions, hatsuyume refers to the first dream of the year and sets the tone for the year ahead. It is said that it's particularly auspicious to dream of Mount Fuji, a hawk, and an eggplant, which will bring the dreamer abundance and greatness. 🗻🦅🍆

Setting intentions for my own hatsuyume has become one of my absolute favorite dream traditions and certainly my favorite New Year's tradition.

I learned about hatsuyume from the incomparable dream teacher, Robert Moss, and I love it so much. This year feels particularly transformative, so I'm so excited to listen to the messages of my first dream in 2023. According to tradition, you can record your hatsuyume on the night of December 31st or January 1st, depending on your level of revelry on New Year's Eve.⁠ Of course, it may happen a few days later if your recall could use improvement. In any case, go with the flow!

⁠I like to let go of my lucid practice for the New Year and let any and all dreams flow to me, welcoming an influx of wisdom and abundance. My only goal is to remember.

Mantras are always helpful ways to set intentions. For hatsuyume, I like this one: "I will receive guidance, support, and luck for the year ahead."⁠

Wishing you all a joyful New Year and an auspicious hatsuyume for 2023! ✨🥂



November Dream Summary

The year is winding down fast with so much going on! November was filled with trips, gratitude, and plenty of dreams! Fewer lucid dreams which has been the trend lately, but I'm not as focused on lucidity these days. I've been behind on writing the full narratives, so I have a lot of catching up to do! Nonetheless, my dreams have been enjoyable, strange, and as fantastical and boring as ever!

Let's look at November stats...

November Favorites

  • ⭐️ “Lifting Me Higher”
  • 🏜 Canyon Tree Painting
  • ⚪️ “On Program”

November Stats

  • Total Dreams: 88
  • Lucid Dreams: 4 (5%)
  • Regular Dreams: 84 (90%)
  • Nights with Recall: 30/30 (100%) 💯
  • Nights with any Lucidity: 2/30 (7%)
  • Average Recall Per Night: 3
  • Highest Dreams in One Night: 7
  • Average Sleep Duration: 7h:48m
  • Average Dreams Per Month: 88
  • Average Lucid Dreams Per Month: 6


All-Time Total


As of November 30, 2022
Since June 7, 2018

November Total


October - 86
September - 73

November Regular


October - 77
September- 66

November Lucid (5%)


October - 9
September - 7



November Dreams

Images created with Midjourney.

October Dream Summary

Welcome to November! I am happy to report that daily life has slowed down a bit, and I am thrilled! Especially as we roll into holidays and the end of the year; I am excited for the change of pace. That being said, it am still actively working on several projects and speaking engagements, and continue to advance my own practices. I’m also really eager to share some work I’ve been doing to improve dream recall - early results of tests are very promising! I’m curious to see how November stats look while I test and iterate on this potential new methodology. I love it.

October dreams were fun and interesting, and I clocked in 100% recall this month for the first time ever! That means that every night in October, I remembered at least one dream. I’m actually surprised it’s taken this long to get that stat, but here we are. I’m never actually trying for 100% since… life… but I’m excited to reach it nonetheless. Lucidity has also been steadily rising, and I’m looking forward to the continued trend. That being said, I’m not working on specific goals or intentions with lucid dreaming right now, so I’m happy with this “status quo.”

Anyway, on to the stats!

October Favorites

  • 🚘Strange Drive for Dinner
  • 🪂Richard Branson Sky Diving
  • 🏝Underwater Sand Bridge
  • 👯‍♀️New Person Every Day
  • 🌟The Unreal Engine
  • 👩‍🏫Consciousness & Dreams
  • 💜Purple Room Sky Fall

October Stats

  • Total Dreams: 86
  • Lucid Dreams: 9 (10%)
  • Regular Dreams: 77 (90%)
  • Nights with Recall: 31/31 (100%) 💯
  • Nights with any Lucidity: 8/31 (26%)
  • Average Recall Per Night: 3
  • Highest Dreams in One Night: 7
  • Average Sleep Duration: 8h:16m
  • Average Dreams Per Month: 88
  • Average Lucid Dreams Per Month: 8


All-Time Total


As of October 31, 2022
Since June 7, 2018

October Total


September - 73
August - 95

October Regular


September- 66
August - 93

October Lucid (10%)


September - 7
August - 2



October Dreams

Images created with Midjourney.

September Dream Summary

September was one of the busiest months of the year! Which seems hard for me to believe since the year has already been jammed! I’m excited by all the activity from September including my talk at the California Academy of Sciences here in San Francisco, and joining up with Lana Sackwild’s students for some guest coaching.

September was also a busy travel month, with many small trips out of time. Sleeping in new spaces always changes the nature of sleep and dreams, and I am always curious about what themes will show up when I am away from home. Naturally, the buzz of the month lead to some decreased dream stats, but September always seems to dip. I looked at my historical dream data for the last 5 years and September is nearly always last or second to last with dream recall. That being said, lucidity has been on the rise, even in this otherwise low month.

Curious, indeed! Will need to investigate further why that may be at some point, but for now, let’s look at September stats! ✨

September Favorites

  • ✨Join Us at NightLife
  • 🐕Meegs
  • 🤩“Enjoy the View & Dream”
  • 📚Wedding Dream Books
  • 🦉Shoulder Owl
  • ⛔️Red Lights, Not Afraid
  • 🏡Float Through House
  • 🛶Flowing River, Steady Boat
  • 🍪Multiverse Oreos

September Stats

  • Total Dreams: 73
  • Lucid Dreams: 7 (10%)
  • Regular Dreams: 66 (90%)
  • Nights with Recall: 28/30 (92%)
  • Nights with any Lucidity: 7/30 (23%)
  • Average Recall Per Night: 3
  • Highest Dreams in One Night: 6
  • Average Sleep Duration: 8h:14m
  • Average Dreams Per Month: 89
  • Average Lucid Dreams Per Month: 5


All-Time Total


As of September 30, 2022
Since June 7, 2018

September Total


August - 95
July - 102

September Regular


August - 93
July - 96

September Lucid (10%)


August - 2
July - 6



September Dreams

Images created with Midjourney.

August Dream Summary

September is here and the summer went by so fast! It’s been another super busy month, and I’ve been having a blast experimenting with AI generators, especially Midjourney. These tools are an incredible way to visualize concepts… and of course, dreams! I’m blown away by how amazing these tools can be, especially for non-artists like me. You can check out my use of Midjourney on Twitter from time to time or for my Nightly Dreams (starting in August) which are also posted below.

I’ve also been hard at work getting for two upcoming dream talks! One with The California Academy of Sciences on September 15th (Come by if you’re in the Bay Area!) and another the next day with The Lucid the Entrepreneur Lab. All this busy excitement has lead to many dreams but less focus on lucidity. Which is fine by me for the time being! Always love flowing dreams even if they are non-lucid. I even clocked in many more non-lucid favorites with amazing narratives! So good. ☺️

Anyway, time to review August stats!✨

August Favorites

  • 🏗AI Architecture IRL
  • 🧘‍♀️Grocery Store Meditation
  • 👁Elevator of Visions
  • 🌊Exploring the Ocean
  • 🪞Encounters Through the Mirror
  • 🎤Ready for the Play
  • 🪐Water Mountain Planet

August Stats

  • Total Dreams: 95
  • Lucid Dreams: 2 (2%)
  • Regular Dreams: 93 (98%)
  • Nights with Recall: 29/31 (94%)
  • Nights with any Lucidity: 2/31 (6%)
  • Average Recall Per Night: 3
  • Highest Dreams in One Night: 6
  • Average Sleep Duration: 8h:18m
  • Average Dreams Per Month: 91
  • Average Lucid Dreams Per Month: 5


All-Time Total


As of August 31, 2022
Since June 7, 2018

August Total


July - 102
June - 101

August Regular


July - 96
June - 92

August Lucid (2%)


July - 6
June - 9



August Dreams

Images created with Midjourney.

July Dream Summary

Happy August! It’s my favorite time of month, reviewing dream data! July was lower on lucid dreams, but huge on general dream recall. 102! Highest number of the year so far. When reflecting back on the month, there's no obvious reason for the surge in dream numbers, though it will be interesting to look back on the whole year later.

Time for July stats!✨

July Favorites

  • ⛰ Mud Monolith
  • 🌳 Invisible Forest Guides
  • 💪 I Can Do This
  • ⚡️ Lucid Dream Practice

July Stats

  • Total Dreams: 102
  • Lucid Dreams: 6 (6%)
  • Regular Dreams: 9 (94%)
  • Nights with Recall: 28/31 (90%)
  • Nights with any Lucidity: 3/31 (10%)
  • Average Recall Per Night: 3
  • Highest Dreams in One Night: 6
  • Average Sleep Duration: 8h:20m
  • Average Dreams Per Month: 90
  • Average Lucid Dreams Per Month: 6


All-Time Total


As of July 31, 2022
Since June 7, 2018

July Total


June - 101
May - 89

July Regular


June - 92
May - 83

July Lucid (6%)


June - 9
May - 6



July Dreams

June Dream Summary

⁠June dreaming was a ton of fun! I created my first ever Dream Week - a personal (for now!) retreat hyper-focused on dream practices. Every day was filled with amazing dream content, creativity, meditation, time outdoors, and learning. Of course, each night had specific goals connected to the theme of the day. And (probably the best part), I intentionally limited my exposure to news and social media for the week (though that was tricky on some days). I have more to say about Dream Week here. I can't wait to make it an annual event.⁠

With July kicking off, I'll be posting more regularly on Instagram - join me there! Maybe some new fun stuff to come, and the old favorites. Always tips, tricks, and lots of data! If you'd like, share with me your favorite kinds of posts below and I'll be sure to include more of those.⁠

For now, on to June stats!✨⁠

June Favorites

  • 🎨 Impressive Creative Formula⁠
  • 💭 Dreams are Free⁠
  • ✨ Higher Self Energy⁠
  • 💙 Drawing a Heart Door⁠
  • 🎁 Lake Visit, Stranger Gift⁠
  • ◼️ Luxe Black Room⁠

June Stats

  • Total Dreams: 101
  • Lucid Dreams: 9 (9%)
  • Regular Dreams: 92 (91%)
  • Nights with Recall: 29/30 (96%)
  • Nights with any Lucidity: 6/30 (20%)
  • Average Recall Per Night: 3
  • Highest Dreams in One Night: 8
  • Average Sleep Duration: 8h:27m
  • Average Dreams Per Month: 88
  • Average Lucid Dreams Per Month: 5


All-Time Total


As of June 30, 2022
Since June 7, 2018

June Total


May - 89
April - 94

June Regular


May - 83
April - 90

June Lucid (9%)


May - 6
April - 4



June Dreams

Dream Week 2022!

Dream Week, a Personal Retreat Dedicated to Dreaming

Last week, I created a personal "Dream Week" retreat for myself with intense focus on dream practice every day and every night. The dedicated energy toward all things dreaming was an incredible way to honor my dreaming self and to continue developing as an advanced dream explorer, statistician, and creative/maker.

I designed each day to include the following tracks:

Morning Sessions:

  • Morning Exercise Circuit

  • Honor Dreams of the Past: Look Back on a Randomly Selected Dream

  • Sit with Dreams Last Night: Write Short Summaries & Map to Goals/Themes

Afternoon Sessions:

  • Nature Walk: Spend Time Outdoors in New Locations Each Day

  • Creative Time: Make Progress on an Existing Dream + Creative Project

  • Dream Vision: Work on "Dream Vision" and "Who I Want to Be as a Dreamer" (Revisit & Revise Daily)

Evening Sessions:

  • Sunset Walk

  • Online Coursework in Dreaming

  • Night Ritual with Dream Intentions & Lucid Rehearsal

  • 20 Minute Yoga Nidra

  • Falling Asleep Meditations

Dream Sessions (Middle of Night):

  • 5:00(ish) Wake Back to Bed (WBTB) with Supplement Experiments

  • Falling Back Asleep Meditations

Throughout the Day:

  • Reading When Brains Dreams

  • Limited Exposure to News

  • Limited Exposure to Social Media (Some Twitter)

Daily Themes:

  1. Prep: Opening Dream Week

  2. Day 1: Inviting Back Dreams

  3. Day 2: Honoring the Solstice

  4. Day 3: Creative Dreaming - Data

  5. Day 4: Creative Dreaming - Ideas

  6. Day 5: Reflection & Future Plans

  7. Post: Closing Dream Week

I absolutely loved having the time to create this experience for myself and dedicate so much energy to these practices. Honoring the dream space at the same time as the Solstice was incredibly joyful, and the entire week was full of celebration. It was also quite fun to experiment with supplements, types and timings. I only use dream supplements for special occasions, and this was the perfect time.

Of course, not every day or night went to plan and dreams have a funny way of being whatever they want to be. It was humbling, rewarding, lovely, and intense! I'm thrilled by all my outputs, learning, and my progress toward the next phase of my dreaming life.

For now, I will hold space for Dream Week and let it sit for a few weeks. I plan to revisit the work shortly and use the energy to continue to create new paths and projects that honor the vast scope of dreaming.



Dreams From Dream Week ✨


May Dream Summary

May was as busy as ever in life! From celebrating my 40th birthday to getting married (yay!), there was no shortage of celebration. With so much going on, May flew by in an instant, but I loved every moment. May is my absolute favorite month of the year, and this year was particularly stunning.

In DreamLand, my experiences were about the same as ever. My focus has been elsewhere throughout the month, so I'm just excited I was able to have a normal amount of recall. 2022 has been slower for lucidity in general, and that trend continues in May. My more formal practices have been slowing over the last two years, but I am eager to pick it back up again.

June brings the Solstice and my first annual Dream Week with a deeper focus on training, practice, and dream goals. I'm really looking forward to it!

For now, let's look back on May stats.✨

May Favorites

  • 🏝Tropical Lagoon Around the Bend
  • 🪞Beyond the Wall
  • 🏡Rivals Outside Clay Town
  • 💧Water World Dream Chaos
  • 🌆Chicago Family & Hot Springs

May Stats

  • Total Dreams: 89
  • Lucid Dreams: 6 (7%)
  • Regular Dreams: 83 (93%)
  • Nights with Recall: 30/31 (97%)
  • Nights with any Lucidity: 4/31 (13%)
  • Average Recall Per Night: 3
  • Highest Dreams in One Night: 10
  • Average Sleep Duration: 7h:58m
  • Average Dreams Per Month: 85
  • Average Lucid Dreams Per Month: 5


All-Time Total


As of May 31, 2022
Since June 7, 2018

May Total


April - 94
March - 73

May Regular


April - 90
March - 70

May Lucid (7%)


April - 4
March - 3



May Dreams