Monthly Stats

February Dream Summary

What an intense month filled with so many unexpected surprises. I walked into February thinking it would be a quiet month, but I had so much going on that I did not expect. A lot of minor little things that lead to a lot of busy busy. It’s all been pretty good, but I’ve had zero time to focus on dreaming throughout this month. 

In fact, this month is my lowest recorded number of dreams since I started in 2018! For reference, my average monthly dream count is 88… February was 60! But, as ever, dreaming is always up and down, depending on the tides of lids. 

The world also feels especially crazy at the moment, but I’ve been trying to focus on doing good things in my community and contributing to organizations that are doing good things near and far. So, it’s just been a wild ride lately, and I’m hanging on. Onward!


February Favorites

  • 🌿 One with Mother Nature
  • ❄️ Snow Meringue & Preacher
  • 🧌 Escape the Titan
  • 🏆 Kicked Out of the Grammys
  • 🐧 Underwater Bird Flight
  • ❤️ I Stand Up for Me

February Stats

  • Total Dreams: 60
  • Lucid Dreams: 4 (7%)
  • Regular Dreams: 56 (93%)
  • Nights with Recall: 23/28 (82%)
  • Nights with any Lucidity: 4/28 (14%)
  • Average Recall Per Night: 3
  • Highest Dreams in One Night: 6
  • Average Sleep Duration: 7h:50m
  • Average Dreams Per Month: 88
  • Average Lucid Dreams Per Month: 6


All-Time Total


As of February 28, 2025
Since June 7, 2018

February Total


January - 99
December - 82

February Regular


January - 92
December - 79

February Lucid (7%)


January - 7
December - 3



February Dreams

Images created with Midjourney.

January Dream Summary

January was a wild ride, and I think I’ve been saying that every month for the last three years! But it’s true yet again, and that just seems to be the norm. It’s now a tradition for me to catch a cold every year when I get back from holiday travels. This year was particularly rough, and it knocked me down for nearly the entire month! Aside from that (and the ongoing political news), this month has been super positive and productive. 

I had another incredible “Dream Week” to honor the Lunar New Year. Dream Week is my little work offsite, if you will (though I stay home), and focus on big goals and themes to tackle for the year. I’m always so amazed by how much I can get done if I really create dedicated space for it. As ever, this year’s Dream Week showed that I have so many amazing projects in the works that I need to prioritize… which I love! 

With so much focus on dreaming, of course, I had a big month of dreams in January, too! 99, to be exact, with a good mix of fun experiences and lucid dreams. I am so excited about bringing renewed energy and focus to my dreams while also pushing out positive energy and radiating light to anyone who needs it. 


January Favorites

  • 🌕 The Moon Mini Dream
  • ✈️ Unknown Airspeed
  • 🖥️ Panasonic Dream Board
  • 🎤 Tech Presentation Prep
  • 🏒 Ice Hockey Salad
  • 🇯🇵 Leading up to the Japanese Store
  • 🐱 Two Lap Cats

January Stats

  • Total Dreams: 99
  • Lucid Dreams: 7 (7%)
  • Regular Dreams: 92 (93%)
  • Nights with Recall: 29/31 (94%)
  • Nights with any Lucidity: 4/31 (13%)
  • Average Recall Per Night: 3
  • Highest Dreams in One Night: 7
  • Average Sleep Duration: 8h:31m
  • Average Dreams Per Month: 99
  • Average Lucid Dreams Per Month: 7


All-Time Total


As of January 31, 2025
Since June 7, 2018

January Total


December - 82
November - 79

January Regular


December - 79
November - 75

January Lucid (7%)


December - 3
November - 4



January Dreams

Images created with Midjourney.

December Dream Summary

It's the end of December and the end of the year. I've skipped a few month's recaps, given the whirlwind of fall and winter, but I'm always working on dreams behind the scenes, regardless of whether I am posting or not. I closed out December traveling for the holidays as we do every year, and I always love winter with the family. 

Dreams have been all over the place but steady. I'm still focused less on lucidity and more on day-to-day dreaming, but I plan to get more into lucid dreaming practices again in 2025. I've also been working on some really amazing visualization projects, so I've gotten especially behind with creating daily images, but I'm trying not to sweat it. 

In any case, despite the quiet up and down posting of this year, I am always very present with my dreams as they are always there for me.


December Favorites

  • 🦸 Picking Up Loki
  • 🇮🇹 Lord of the Rings Lego in Italy
  • ☺️ Come in Here!
  • 😴 Complicated Dream Lecture

December Stats

  • Total Dreams: 82
  • Lucid Dreams: 3 (4%)
  • Regular Dreams: 79 (96%)
  • Nights with Recall: 30/31 (97%)
  • Nights with any Lucidity: 3/31 (10%)
  • Average Recall Per Night: 3
  • Highest Dreams in One Night: 8
  • Average Sleep Duration: 7h:59m
  • Average Dreams Per Month: 90
  • Average Lucid Dreams Per Month: 6


All-Time Total


As of December 31, 2024
Since June 7, 2018

December Total


November - 79
October - 83

December Regular


November - 75
October - 79

December Lucid (4%)


November - 4
October - 4



December Dreams

Images created with Midjourney.

September Dream Summary

This summer escaped faster than any other season in any other time. It’s crazy to think it’s October, I feel like I got sucked out of time and thrown back in just now. I won’t go into detail about the wild ride these last few months have been, but the tides are turning and I am feeling optimistic and hopeful that the pace will slow down significantly as I roll into fall and winter.

As far as dreaming goes, September has been a whirlwind! It started off slow for the first half, then just flooded me the second half. They’ve been all over the place (just like life!), and I’m not mad about it! It’s rare to get a night with more than six dreams, but I clocked two TEN night dreams in September. My mind and emotions are busy busy, and I’m here for all these rich experiences. We’ll see what happens as we race toward the end of 2024.


September Favorites

  • 🕊️ Flying with the Birds in Japan
  • 😱 “This is Too Scary”
  • 🐈‍⬛ The Cats Love Us
  • 🌸 Alien Settlement
  • 🐈 Cats & Credit Cards

September Stats

  • Total Dreams: 93
  • Lucid Dreams: 8 (9%)
  • Regular Dreams: 85 (91%)
  • Nights with Recall: 28/30 (93%)
  • Nights with any Lucidity: 6/30 (20%)
  • Average Recall Per Night: 3
  • Highest Dreams in One Night: 10
  • Average Sleep Duration: 8h:11m
  • Average Dreams Per Month: 92
  • Average Lucid Dreams Per Month: 7


All-Time Total


As of September 30, 2024
Since June 7, 2018

September Total


August - 86
July - 96

September Regular


August - 82
July - 93

September Lucid (9%)


August - 04
July - 03



September Dreams

Images created with Midjourney.

June Dream Summary

Oh my! I blinked and June was over. It has been the busiest and fastest month that has ever flown by in an instant. I’m pretty sure that every post starts of in this way, but no other month has come and gone quite like June! I won’t get into the highs and lows of June, of which there were plenty, but I will say that I continue to be grateful and amazed by my dreaming world!

June also brings a special time of year: My “Dreamiversary!” This time marks the start of my formal journey in dreaming (and capturing robust data through my spreadsheet) which happened on June 7, 2018! I celebrated 2,192 nights of dreaming and a total of 6,319 dreams in the last 6 years! It’s been such a wild and incredible experience, and I am thrilled to continue!

This summer will also be busy, but I expect the next few months to be a bit slower than June. That means more time for projects on the back burner and more focus on amplifying all the work underway and ongoing! Cheers to happy a summer!


June Favorites

  • 🚿 Flowing Water House
  • 💫 Healing Light Practice
  • 🦋 Eat Slime & Soar
  • 💭 Simulation or Dream?

June Stats

  • Total Dreams: 84
  • Lucid Dreams: 7 (8%)
  • Regular Dreams: 77 (92%)
  • Nights with Recall: 28/30 (93%)
  • Nights with any Lucidity: 6/30 (20%)
  • Average Recall Per Night: 3
  • Highest Dreams in One Night: 7
  • Average Sleep Duration: 8h:07m
  • Average Dreams Per Month: 93
  • Average Lucid Dreams Per Month: 9


All-Time Total


As of June 30, 2024
Since June 7, 2018

June Total


May - 81
April - 97

June Regular


May - 73
April - 93

June Lucid (8%)


May - 08
April - 04



June Dreams

Images created with Midjourney.

May Dream Summary

May is my absolute favorite month of the year! My husband and I celebrate each other all month long, and it’s an absolute blast! May includes my birthday, my husband’s birthday, and our anniversary, so it’s overflowing with joy and love. We often travel and do small things for and with each other all month long, and this May was no exception! It is such a gift sharing this life with him and I am grateful for everything we get to do together!

Given all the buzz this month, I fell a wee behind on all things dreams, but no matter! As ever, lots of good stuff happening in the background with my practice and I am continuing to ramp up on projects and data. We’ve got a lot going on this summer as well, so it will be a minute before I can get fully ramped up, but I’m thrilled by the progress! More sharing… eventually! In the meantime, here’s a look on my May in Dreams…


May Favorites

  • 🎴 Dream Retreat & Pulling Cards
  • 🌌 Saturday Night Cosmos
  • 🧐 Intricate Curiosity Table
  • 🎭 Quit the Play & Explore
  • 🎨 The Creativity of Dreamers
  • 👻 Happy Ghost Mom
  • 🍇 Into the Vineyard Scene
  • 🛳️ Cruise Experience Metaphor

May Stats

  • Total Dreams: 81
  • Lucid Dreams: 08 (10%)
  • Regular Dreams: 73 (90%)
  • Nights with Recall: 30/31 (97%)
  • Nights with any Lucidity: 8/31 (25%)
  • Average Recall Per Night: 3
  • Highest Dreams in One Night: 6
  • Average Sleep Duration: 8h:17m
  • Average Dreams Per Month: 94
  • Average Lucid Dreams Per Month: 9


All-Time Total


As of May 31, 2024
Since June 7, 2018

May Total


April - 97
March - 103

May Regular


April - 93
March - 95

May Lucid (10%)


April - 04
March - 08



May Dreams

Images created with Midjourney.

April Dream Summary

And another big month down! At the beginning of April, my dream frequency was fairly low, but it picked up in a big way in the last two weeks. Although I’ve been adding a couple of new methods, it’s been otherwise same-same, so I’m surprised by the surge! Dreams have a funny way of surprising me all the time, so in a way… I’m not surprised! 😂 Lucidity is down, but I haven’t been focusing on it either.

One thing I have been doing recently is focusing energy on my daily upkeep tasks on the same day. These are things like transcribing all my keywords into full, detailed narratives, editing them, recording the data points, and creating accompanying imagery. Naturally, this process can take some time, depending on my recall. It can become more difficult to catch up, especially if I have a big night. Prioritizing daily upkeep in a new, very specific, and scheduled way has been a remarkable success. April is the first month in 7 years where I have stayed on top of it every day. That is definitely something to celebrate! I’m even posting this Summary on time!

Of course. it’s taken some time to experiment with what really works for me, and now I feel confident that I can manage backlogs with much more ease, especially by chunking and scheduling this work time in my most productive periods. Micro adjustments and flexibility has been key! I’m super happy with my results. We even traveled in April, and I was able to plan for and manage the inevitable catch-up that was required. 

Perhaps all this revamped dedication and structured time management was the reason for the higher dream output! In any case, I’m psyched! I always look for new ways to push my dream practice, and even tiny things can have a big impact. With continued focus, I will be able to catch up on more of my extended backlog and then finally get into some new and exciting projects that have been on the back burner. 

Until then!


April Favorites

  • ⚽️ Transfer to Coach Walken
  • 🚪 House of My Dying Mom
  • 🔎 Office Ride & Lucid Exploring
  • 🐬 Lovely Lucid Swimming
  • 🛍️ Expanding Mall Venue
  • 🪩 Ultra Elite Club
  • 💧 Pool Stop with Lady Gaga
  • 🐢 Beach Aquarium Submarine

April Stats

  • Total Dreams: 97
  • Lucid Dreams: 04 (4%)
  • Regular Dreams: 93 (96%)
  • Nights with Recall: 30/30 (100%)
  • Nights with any Lucidity: 4/30 (13%)
  • Average Recall Per Night: 3
  • Highest Dreams in One Night: 7
  • Average Sleep Duration: 8h:12m
  • Average Dreams Per Month: 98
  • Average Lucid Dreams Per Month: 9


All-Time Total


As of April 30, 2024
Since June 7, 2018

April Total


March - 103
February - 102

April Regular


March - 95
February - 87

April Lucid (4%)


March - 08
February - 15



April Dreams

Images created with Midjourney.

March Dream Summary

It’s March, what! It’s been a bit of a rollercoaster the past few months, and I’ve been working behind the scenes to get caught up after getting way behind. At first, I had planned to catch-up perfectly and write a few old entries, but I decided that things don’t have to be perfect; I can just restart with March.

So here we are. Reflecting on March and really the last three months of 2024. My dreaming has been incredible lately, with so much recall across January, February, and March. I have been putting more techniques into practice to boost my recall, and I think it’s been working! I’ll need to validate with my data, and I’m eager to dig into that shortly.

And, on that note, as I continue to catch up on my back log of work, I am looking ahead to some amazing new data projects on the horizon. I’ve probably been saying that for a long time, but it has taken much longer than I expected to handle my HUGE quantities of data. I will give it the time it needs because I am SO proud of this work. I suspect it will take the rest of the year to get things really going, but I’m starting to make real progress.

Of course, lots of travel and other personal stuff going on, which has naturally reflected in dreams. March was generally less lucid but chock-full of experience. I love it all: the good, the bad, and the ugly spider bug nightmares! Bring it!

Anyway, more to come…


March Favorites

  • 🧙“Stop Messing with the Dream”
  • 🏞️ Tahoe Hike & Lighting the Dream
  • ⛸️ Ice Skating Hero
  • 💧 Amazing Pool Home
  • 😬 Returning Angry then Soft
  • ⏳ The Time Masters
  • 🌪️ Tornado Encounters
  • 🌑 Eclipse Procession
  • 🐰 Hosting SNL on Easter
  • 🐈 Cat in the Window

March Stats

  • Total Dreams: 102
  • Lucid Dreams: 08 (8%)
  • Regular Dreams: 85 (92%)
  • Nights with Recall: 31/31 (100%)
  • Nights with any Lucidity: 7/31 (22%)
  • Average Recall Per Night: 3
  • Highest Dreams in One Night: 8
  • Average Sleep Duration: 8h:37m
  • Average Dreams Per Month: 98
  • Average Lucid Dreams Per Month: 11


All-Time Total


As of March 31, 2024
Since June 7, 2018

March Total


February - 102
January - 99

March Regular


February - 87
January - 80

March Lucid (8%)


February - 15
January - 09



March Dreams

Images created with Midjourney.

December Dream Summary

December was another strange month. Lots of travel home for celebrations of life and celebrations of Christmas. It was both beautiful and heartbreaking, and I’m still processing and reflecting on all of it. Meanwhile, I had quite the surge of dreams in December, despite the craziness of the season and this particular year. Since I’m still catching up after loss, I am going to keep it short and continue to move slowly. But nonetheless, my dreams and data are active and present, and a big part of my healing experience. Happy 2024!

December Favorites

  • N/A

December Stats

  • Total Dreams: 99
  • Lucid Dreams: 06 (6%)
  • Regular Dreams: 93 (94%)
  • Nights with Recall: 29/31 (94%)
  • Nights with any Lucidity: 8/31 (25%)
  • Average Recall Per Night: 3
  • Highest Dreams in One Night: 6
  • Average Sleep Duration: 8h:07m
  • Average Dreams Per Month: 87
  • Average Lucid Dreams Per Month: 5


All-Time Total


As of December 31, 2023
Since June 7, 2018

December Total


November - 60
October - 92

December Regular


November - 58
October - 90

December Lucid (6%)


November - 02
October - 02



December Dreams

Images created with Midjourney.

November Dream Summary

I lost someone very close to me in November. For privacy, I'll leave it at that, but what an experience. I'm grateful for the time I spent with them and learned a lot about the end of life process. It's both profoundly sad and extraordinarily special. So, November was unusual. I spent a lot of time out of time, if you will. Sleep was lacking. Emotions ran wild. I'm curious and opening to the world of grief and loss. I'm curious and open to what my dreams may reveal in time. ✨🕊️

November Favorites

  • 🙋‍♀️ Asking Good Questions
  • 💍 Wedding Market & Crystals
  • 🎶 Dream Chorus
  • 😇 “Blessings Beget Blessings”
  • 🧘‍♀️ Zen Master Encounters

November Stats

  • Total Dreams: 60
  • Lucid Dreams: 02 (3%)
  • Regular Dreams: 58 (97%)
  • Nights with Recall: 22/30 (73%)
  • Nights with any Lucidity: 2/30 (7%)
  • Average Recall Per Night: 2
  • Highest Dreams in One Night: 5
  • Average Sleep Duration: 8h:18m
  • Average Dreams Per Month: 86
  • Average Lucid Dreams Per Month: 5


All-Time Total


As of November 30, 2023
Since June 7, 2018

November Total


October - 92
September - 96

November Regular


October - 90
September - 87

November Lucid (3%)


October - 02
September - 09



November Dreams

Images created with Midjourney.

October Dream Summary

As usual, I am a little late to publish this month’s dream summary! October was super busy, especially with some new and exciting dream projects. I’ve probably said that a few times, but I’ve been making significant projects on some things behind the scenes. I’m not sure how they’ll be shown publicly, but I’ll figure it out at some point. Dreams and data are my superpower and I’d love for everyone to see.

I’ve had some travel in the beginning of October and the end, but I’ve had so much time in between to focus on dreams and get tons of sleep. It was a bit of a weird month, especially with low lucid numbers, but I try not to get worked up about it. 

In any case, I am as busy as ever writing and reporting, reviewing and planning. It’s all things dreams all the time over here. Just the way I like it.

Anyway, time for some stats!

October Favorites

  • 🌁 Antarctica Golden Gate
  • 🎭 SNL Background Guest
  • 🖥️ A Good Layoff
  • 🌳 Nature House, Dream Support
  • 🦃 Neighborhood Ostrich
  • ☎️ Office Phone Mishap
  • 🦀 Seaside Train & Trolly
  • 👰‍♀️Small Wedding Ceremony
  • 👰‍♀️Small Wedding Brunch
  • 🌍 Scary Evolution of an Ideal Planet
  • 🏡 Jason’s Amazing House
  • 💜 Green & Purple Plants
  • 🌊 Antarctica with Sam

October Stats

  • Total Dreams: 92
  • Lucid Dreams: 2 (2%)
  • Regular Dreams: 90 (98%)
  • Nights with Recall: 29/31 (94%)
  • Nights with any Lucidity: 2/31 (6%)
  • Average Recall Per Night: 3
  • Highest Dreams in One Night: 6
  • Average Sleep Duration: 8h:36m
  • Average Dreams Per Month: 89
  • Average Lucid Dreams Per Month: 3


All-Time Total


As of October 31, 2023
Since June 7, 2018

October Total


September - 96
August - 106

October Regular


September - 87
August - 98

October Lucid (2%)


September - 09
August - 08



October Dreams

Images created with Midjourney.

September Dream Summary

September was a super interesting month. I ramped up travel again with some fun local adventures followed by a larger ladies trip to Sedona. Given the spiritual nature of Sedona, I anticipated lots of dream experiences, especially aided with some dream-specific supplements. The trip was a wonderful emotional whirlwind with great friends, but surprisingly lacking in dream recall overall. Nonetheless, I try not to get disappointed when dream expectations don't match reality (a healthy reminder for life overall!), especially since I know other magical and mundane experiences are always around the corner.

Otherwise, September marks the end of another season/quarter of dreams, and I love going through my larger data sets to look at trends and patterns. Early this month, U started a new data-focused project that I'm looking forward to developing further in the coming months. Of course, the extensive records and data that I keep is the thing I bring most to the dream community, and I'll eventually figure out better ways to share.

In the meantime, on to the stats!

September Favorites

  • 🎙️ Nobody Host of SNL
  • 🪂 Sky Zooming
  • 🏙️ Walk to get Cash in Philly
  • 🌺 Vibrant Malls & Maui
  • 🚙 Hot Tub Cabin Drive
  • 🌳 Tree Yarn & Pumpkin Cakes
  • 🌾 Just Pretend on the Front Lines
  • 🎙️ First SNL Sketch
  • 🇵🇹 Visiting Portugal
  • 📚 High School Return & Oscars Party
  • 🪑 Trap Seats Audience
  • 🪴 Spreading Plants & Being Light
  • 🦋 Soaring From Sedona

September Stats

  • Total Dreams: 96
  • Lucid Dreams: 9 (9%)
  • Regular Dreams: 87 (91%)
  • Nights with Recall: 29/30 (97%)
  • Nights with any Lucidity: 5/30 (17%)
  • Average Recall Per Night: 3
  • Highest Dreams in One Night: 9
  • Average Sleep Duration: 8h:20m
  • Average Dreams Per Month: 88
  • Average Lucid Dreams Per Month: 6


All-Time Total


As of September 30, 2023
Since June 7, 2018

September Total


August - 106
July - 88

September Regular


August - 98
July - 84

September Lucid (9%)


August - 08
July - 04



September Dreams

Images created with Midjourney.

August Dream Summary

August was such a delightfully slow-paced month! With so much travel throughout the spring and summer, it was really nice to spend the entire month at home and with our community. We’re super involved in various volunteer efforts nearby, and we spent a lot of time in August getting back into the regular habit. At the same, we intentionally focused on supporting our local businesses and participated in several fundraising events for causes we care about. Being at home in August has been so welcome and so wonderful.

And all this home time had the added benefit of extended quality sleep time and a ton of dreams to boot! August was my highest dream recall month this year and my third-highest month of all time! Of course such high recall also brings a lot of favorites! The list below is absolutely bonkers! After several “slow” months of dreaming due to my busy schedule, reaching a super-high recall month was such a gift. I expect the remainder of 2023 to be a little up and down, given more getaways and our long family travel for the holidays. Nevertheless, it’s always exciting to see how each month evolves.

On to August stats!

August Favorites

  • 🥑 Avocado Creature
  • 📊 Dream Visualization Lab
  • ⛳️ Beautiful Games
  • 🌸 Charming Set
  • 🗿 Bag Island & The Survival Tribe
  • 🏝️ Last Day in Bora Bora
  • 🔍 Through Glass Walls
  • 🎤 Church Show & A Dreamer’s Dream
  • 🧠 The Brain & Central Nervous System
  • ✍️ SNL Writer Guest
  • 👙 Please Don’t Destroy Swim
  • 👑 Accidental Drag Queen Haven
  • 🎫 Golden Train Ticket
  • 📈 Laid Off from Odopod
  • 🐧 Swimming with Penguins
  • 🚗 Dad’s Distracted Driving

August Stats

  • Total Dreams: 106
  • Lucid Dreams: 8 (8%)
  • Regular Dreams: 98 (92%)
  • Nights with Recall: 31/31 (100%)
  • Nights with any Lucidity: 6/31 (19%)
  • Average Recall Per Night: 3
  • Highest Dreams in One Night: 9
  • Average Sleep Duration: 8h:27m
  • Average Dreams Per Month: 86
  • Average Lucid Dreams Per Month: 8


All-Time Total


As of August 31, 2023
Since June 7, 2018

August Total


July - 88
June - 96

August Regular


July - 84
June - 88

August Lucid (8%)


July - 04
June - 08



August Dreams

Images created with Midjourney.

July Dream Summary

I feel like I say this every month, but wow! What at doozy! July was also filled with so much travel, including local trips and family trips. It’s always such a joy to visit the family over the holidays, and this year we decided to make it a summer-thing, too! Visiting two families in two cities is always super busy, but we wouldn’t have it any other way! Luckily, they all know that I’m a bit of a sleeper, so I didn’t have too much trouble keeping pace with my dream practice. It can be a challenge to stay on top of things while on the road, so to speak, but I’ve gotten into a good habits while out of town that I was about to maintain throughout this month’s adventures.

Otherwise, my dream focus has been to maintain my current “day-to-day” dreaming, and I have’t been doing an additional practices with lucidity or growth. With so much travel, it’s always nice to just let the dreams come as they are, without trying to get into to much extra. Things will calm down a bit in August and September, and I’m looking forward to some quieter days and more lucidity! That also means ramping back up my meditations, reality checks, intentions, and all the other good lucid boosting practices. Looking forward to seeing how it develops - or perhaps taking more time to rest!

On to the stats!

July Favorites

  • 👑 “I am The One”
  • 🐋 Epic Breaching Whales
  • ☘️ Tattoo Tail
  • ☹️ Bummed at the Dream Seminar

July Stats

  • Total Dreams: 88
  • Lucid Dreams: 4 (5%)
  • Regular Dreams: 84 (95%)
  • Nights with Recall: 31/31 (100%)
  • Nights with any Lucidity: 3/31 (10%)
  • Average Recall Per Night: 3
  • Highest Dreams in One Night: 5
  • Average Sleep Duration: 8h:08m
  • Average Dreams Per Month: 85
  • Average Lucid Dreams Per Month: 5


All-Time Total


As of July 31, 2023
Since June 7, 2018

July Total


June - 96
May - 64

July Regular


June - 88
May - 63

July Lucid (5%)


June - 08
May - 01



July Dreams

Images created with Midjourney.

June Dream Summary

June kind of skyrocketed back up in dreams right at the beginning of the month! Which is always super fun, especially after such a low period in May. I also experienced much more lucidity, with quite a few longer and more detailed “regular” dreams. I love seeing how the “shape” of dreams change over time, and for some reason, June created so many dreams of interesting shapes! In fact, one of my longest dreams with the highest amount of detail happened on the 30th. It was a such wild and fun experience with quintessential dream-like elements. Those kinds of experiences make me super happy!

One of my favorite things about June is that it’s full of lovely celebration! The first of which is my “Dreamiversary,” the date that I started my spreadsheet and my ultimate dedication to the practice. My Dreamiversary is June 7th, and this year marked five years! What a milestone! And on that night, I recorded 5,214 dreams. Every day I am astonished by ever growing collection! WOW! I’m looking forward to many more Dreamiversaries and projects and everything in between! To five more years and beyond!

June Favorites

  • 🔹 Dream Lift & Blue Sight
  • 💃 Met Gala Suspended Celebs
  • 📊 Spreadsheet Takeover
  • 🏣 New Japantown Apartment
  • 🏠 The Simpsons House “Set”
  • 📜 Dream Interpretation?
  • 🌃 Wild Night Out

June Stats

  • Total Dreams: 96
  • Lucid Dreams: 8 (8%)
  • Regular Dreams: 88 (92%)
  • Nights with Recall: 28/31 (90%)
  • Nights with any Lucidity: 7/31 (23%)
  • Average Recall Per Night: 3
  • Highest Dreams in One Night: 8
  • Average Sleep Duration: 8h:32m
  • Average Dreams Per Month: 85
  • Average Lucid Dreams Per Month: 6


All-Time Total


As of June 30, 2023
Since June 7, 2018

June Total


May - 64
April - 66

June Regular


May - 63
April - 60

June Lucid (8%)


May - 01
April - 06



June Dreams

Images created with Midjourney.