April Dream Summary

I blinked and April was over! I frequently say the months fly by, but April felt like warp speed! I've got so many incredible things happening, and I am just thrilled to be getting into May. I'm absolutely certain the pace of May will match (maybe exceed?!) the pace of April, which hardly seems possible.

My dreaming mind was quite active throughout April, with recall at 94 dreams! As with the rest of 2022 so far, I've been sitting in a "transitional" phase and although my practice is not center stage, I'm still experiencing so much richness in my dreams. I really love that I still reach these levels at a kind of "resting" pace.

Of course, my lucidity has been consistently low, which I always attribute to lack of dedicated practice and attention. For me, lucid dreams are all about consistent active practice, but I still prioritize all non-lucid dreams, too. I will be turning my attention to back to a more formal lucid dream practice in the next few months, and I'm excited to share learnings and stories oh so soon! Until then!

On to the stats! ✨

April Favorites

  • 🐛Tiny Creatures Inside
  • 🎋Split World Crossing
  • 🛝Insider Trading Water Slides
  • 🦑Anthropomorphic Squid
  • ⛵️Sailing By French Polynesia
  • 🏠New Pool House
  • 😁Looking So Happy

April Stats

  • Total Dreams: 94
  • Lucid Dreams: 4 (4%)
  • Regular Dreams: 90 (96%)
  • Nights with Recall: 30/30 (100%)
  • Nights with any Lucidity: 3/30 (10%)
  • Average Recall Per Night: 3
  • Highest Dreams in One Night: 6
  • Average Sleep Duration: 7h:59m
  • Average Dreams Per Month: 84
  • Average Lucid Dreams Per Month: 4


All-Time Total


As of April 30, 2022
Since June 7, 2018

April Total


March - 73
February - 95

April Regular


March - 70
February - 90

April Lucid (4%)


March - 3
February - 5



April Dreams

March Dream Summary

March! The year is going by so quickly, it's hard to keep up! March was an incredible month for me, filled with so much exciting change, transition, and joy. No matter what kind of change comes in life, sleep is always effected, and this month was no exception! Things were a bit weird in my dreaming realm, and certainly unexpected. My recall has not been as strong with lower lucid moments. All of which I attribute to the deep restful period of letting go and entering a new chapter.

As I let go of traditional work (left my job for a creative sabbatical last month), I moved into a space of less stress, more creativity, freedom, and introspection. In time, I will be dedicating so much more time to dream, but for now I've mostly been "sitting in transition" and letting the daily grind wash away. That just means intnetionally giving myself space to focus on... nothing at all in particular - and it's been incredible! I'm so lucky to have this time, and I look forward to developing more soon.

On to the stats! ✨

March Favorites

  • 🌸“I’m a Perfect Being”
  • 🐋Twist Breaching Whales
  • 🦾Massive Arena of Robotics

March Stats

  • Total Dreams: 73
  • Lucid Dreams: 3 (3%)
  • Regular Dreams: 70 (97%)
  • Nights with Recall: 30/31 (97%)
  • Nights with any Lucidity: 3/31 (10%)
  • Average Recall Per Night: 3
  • Highest Dreams in One Night: 6
  • Average Sleep Duration: 7h:48m
  • Average Dreams Per Month: 81
  • Average Lucid Dreams Per Month: 4


All-Time Total


As of March 31, 2022
Since June 7, 2018

March Total


February - 95
January - 75

March Regular


February - 90
January - 70

March Lucid (4%)


February - 5
January - 5



March Dreams

February Dream Summary

February was a wild ride! Things started to become more “normal” in some ways and in other ways, I flipped things all around! I’ve started closely monitoring health and fitness to see how it might shape my life and dreams and I’ve jumped into a “creative sabbatical,” taking a little break from the corporate world. It’s still very new for me, and I am very eager to see where and how this time goes for me. So thrilled!

Despite all this change and excitement (which usually means fewer dreams), I experienced a nice spike in recall this month, which is always interesting! In any case, I so look forward to seeing how March and beyond take shape as I enter this new creative period. I’ll be working on so many dream projects that I look forward to share at some point. Stay tuned!

Let’s look back at February stats! ✨

February Favorites

  • 🔬The Physics of Creativity
  • 🎭On Set at Saturday Night Live
  • 🏝Gorgeous Tropical Swim
  • 🚐Reckless Night Bus
  • 🎨Dream Word Painting
  • 🖼Golden Night Painting
  • 🧜‍♀️Flying Mermaid Closet

Dream Stats

  • Total Dreams: 95
  • Lucid Dreams: 5 (5%)
  • Regular Dreams: 90 (95%)
  • Nights with Recall: 27/28 (96%)
  • Nights with any Lucidity: 4/28 (16%)
  • Average Recall Per Night: 3
  • Highest Dreams in One Night: 6
  • Average Sleep Duration: 8h:47m
  • Average Dreams Per Month: 86
  • Average Lucid Dreams Per Month: 11


All-Time Total


As of February 28, 2022
Since June 7, 2018

February Total


January - 75
December - 118

February Regular


January - 70
December - 92

February Lucid (5%)


January - 5
December - 21



February Dreams

January Dream Summary

January started off pretty rough and stayed that way for several weeks. Despite all my efforts to avoid it, I caught Covid the first week of the month. Yes, it was "mild" (I suppose), but I was certainly knocked out and spent the first half of the month fighting it. Those early days were all over the place with lots of sleep, too little sleep, poor quality sleep, and NyQuil sleep... needless to say, dreaming wasn't the priority. But, I continued the practice regardless. Phew! I'm super glad to bid farewell to January in good health (finally)!

Let’s look back at January stats! ✨

January Favorites

  • 🧘‍♀️Higher Self Particles
  • 🌕Seaside Moon Walk
  • 🏡Lucid House Darkness
  • 🌴Ice Ferry to the Jungle Hotel
  • 😊You Look Like Harry Styles

Dream Stats

  • Total Dreams: 77
  • Lucid Dreams: 5 (7%)
  • Regular Dreams: 70 (93%)
  • Nights with Recall: 28/31 (90%)
  • Nights with any Lucidity: 5/31 (16%)
  • Average Recall Per Night: 2
  • Highest Dreams in One Night: 6
  • Average Sleep Duration: 9h:12m
  • Average Dreams Per Month: 87
  • Average Lucid Dreams Per Month: 13


All-Time Total


As of January 31, 2022
Since June 7, 2018

January Total


December - 118
November - 92



December - 92
November - 78

January Lucid (7%)


December - 21
November - 14



January Dreams

December Dream Summary

Wow! December flew by with lots of rest and family time. I was so grateful to fly home for the holidays since missing it last year. I always run the risk of low dream recall and practice while traveling, but December was surprisingly fruitful! One of my highest months to date! In fact, when I looked back on previous Decembers, it’s consistently a high recall month! I love looking back at those kinds of stats, and look forward to see if those trends remain in the future.

With the end of December, of course, comes a new year to celebrate. I’m thrilled to jump into 2022 with a big heart, open mind, and clean slate to accept what dreams may come. But before I get ahead of myself, let’s look back at December stats! ✨

December Favorites

  • 👤Bedside Shadow Figure
  • 🚀Pink Spacecraft Pilot
  • 🍬Candy Grass & Swim Levels
  • 🌊Water World Bubble Creatures
  • 🎅Animatronic Santa
  • 📚The Dalai Lama’s Books

Dream Stats

  • Total Dreams: 118
  • Lucid Dreams: 21 (18%)
  • Regular Dreams: 97 (82%)
  • Nights with Recall: 29/31 (94%)
  • Nights with any Lucidity: 11/31 (35%)
  • Average Recall Per Night: 3
  • Highest Dreams in One Night: 9
  • Average Sleep Duration: 8h:42m
  • Average Dreams Per Month: 86
  • Average Lucid Dreams Per Month: 10


All-Time Total


As of December 31, 2021
Since June 7, 2018

December Total


November - 92
October - 77

December Regular


November - 78
October - 74

December Lucid (18%)


November - 14
October - 3



December Dreams

November Dream Summary

Time is moving forward so quickly, and I know that I say that each month, but with the holidays around the corner, it seems particularly fast right now. I’ll be honest, November was a tough month at work and in life. Lots of projects at work, and lots travel for some good times, and some sad times. I am extremely excited for things to slow a bit in December and to dedicate more focused time to family and dreams.

All that being said, November was a big dreaming month for me! I’ve been going through a prolonged period of fewer dreams and lower lucidity, which I have consistently attributed to a lighter practice in the last year. Since launching a huge project in November, and clearing some runway in my mind, I’ve been practicing a bit more and seeing increased results - of course!

I’m so looking forward to finding even more time in 2022 to expand and develop new practices, goals, and experiments. Until then, let’s reflect on November dream stats! ✨

November Favorites

  • ❄️Snow City Polar Bears
  • 🔵Blue Sand Messages
  • 🎨Are You Creative?
  • 🌟Lucid Hallelujah!
  • 🏔Mountain’s Edge
  • 👩‍🚀Naked Bus, Space Portal

Dream Stats

  • Total Dreams: 92
  • Lucid Dreams: 14 (15%)
  • Regular Dreams: 78 (85%)
  • Nights with Recall: 27/30 (90%)
  • Nights with any Lucidity: 9/30 (30%)
  • Average Recall Per Night: 3
  • Highest Dreams in One Night: 8
  • Average Sleep Duration: 8h:40m
  • Average Dreams Per Month: 87
  • Average Lucid Dreams Per Month: 10


All-Time Total


As of November 30, 2021
Since June 7, 2018

November Total


October - 77
September - 68

November Regular


October - 74
September - 61

November Lucid (15%)


October - 3
September - 7



November Dreams

October Dream Summary

Happy November, wow! I can’t believe how fast this year is flying by and the holiday season is just around the corner! October was one of my busiest months in recent memory with so much work and life activity that it was hard to keep up! September was a slow dream month as well, but such is the tides of a consistent dream practice. We cannot be disappointed because life happens. We must simply accept and continue.

Despite my little busy bee of a schedule, I still had plenty of exciting dreams and nights to explore my imagination, though my lucidity dipped quite a bit. Nonetheless, I look forward to the next few months as we get into the slow down of the holidays where I will have more open space to get back into the habits and practices of active dreaming! ✨

Dream Stats

  • Total Dreams: 77
  • Lucid Dreams: 3 (4%)
  • Regular Dreams: 74 (96%)
  • Nights with Recall: 27/31 (87%)
  • Nights with any Lucidity: 3/31 (6%)
  • Average Recall Per Night: 2
  • Highest Dreams in One Night: 7
  • Average Sleep Duration: 8h:25m
  • Average Dreams Per Month: 81
  • Average Lucid Dreams Per Month: 8


All-Time Total


As of October 31, 2021
Since June 7, 2018

October Total


September - 68
August - 81

October Regular


September - 61
August - 76

October Lucid (10%)


September - 7
August - 5



October Dreams

September Dream Summary

Happy October! I love the end of a seasonal quarter because I make a book of the last three months of dreams and stats. I haven't publish those collections or findings, but they’re always so much fun to make! September marks the end of the third quarter and I’m eager to get making.

It’s not all exciting though. This September also marked the lowest dream recall month I’ve ever recorded since I started this project in 2018. Of course, things always ebb and flow, so I am trying not to get too discouraged. That being said, 68 dreams from my usual 80-90 is pretty significant. On the plus side, my lucidity stats are on par with typical mid- to to low month, so I’m feeling positive about that! That tells me that even with lower recall, I’m still experiencing consistency with lucid dreams.

The “why” here feels fairly straight forward and amounts to more of the typical stressors than usual. More travel (first since the pandemic!), more stress at work (this time of year is my busiest), and more slowness and malaise (I was sick with a cold for a week or so in September). As a result, my practice took a nosedive and I just didn’t have enough optimal sleep for dreams. So, here we are. C’est la vie. ✨

Dream Stats

  • Total Dreams: 68
  • Lucid Dreams: 7 (10%)
  • Regular Dreams: 61 (90%)
  • Nights with Recall: 27/30 (90%)
  • Nights with any Lucidity: 5/30 (16%)
  • Average Recall Per Night: 3
  • Highest Dreams in One Night: 6
  • Average Sleep Duration: 9h:12m
  • Average Dreams Per Month: 87
  • Average Lucid Dreams Per Month: 10


All-Time Total


As of September 30, 2021
Since June 7, 2018

September Total


August - 81
July - 86

September Regular


August - 76
July - 76

September Lucid (10%)


August - 5
July - 10



September Dreams

August Dream Summary

It’s September and as always, it’s as busy as ever! I’m excited to roll into fall with some upcoming travel (the first plane trip since the pandemic!) and holidays. While the next few months will be jammed packed with work projects and get togethers, it will also be filled with quiet time, rest, and reflection. I’m very much looking to slowing down a little bit this winter and spending more time with my meditation and dream practice! Because August was so hectic (and September and October will be much the same), my dreams have taken the proverbial “back seat.” This trend has been ongoing for a while now, but I hope to recalibrate in the near future, and bring back more focus and dedication soon!

Dream Stats

  • Total Dreams: 81
  • Lucid Dreams: 5 (6%)
  • Regular Dreams: 76 (94%)
  • Nights with Recall: 27/31 (87%)
  • Nights with any Lucidity: 3/31 (10%)
  • Average Recall Per Night: 3
  • Highest Dreams in One Night: 8
  • Average Sleep Duration: 8h:39m
  • Average Dreams Per Month: 87
  • Average Lucid Dreams Per Month: 10


All-Time Total


As of August 31, 2021
Since June 7, 2018

August Total


July - 86
June - 83

August Regular


July - 76
June - 74

August Lucid (6%)


July - 10
June - 9



August Dreams

Dragon Portal (And Other Things...)

Image by Kumiko Shimizu

Image by Kumiko Shimizu

Dream of the Week: Dragon Portal (And Other Things...)

Quick Setup:
This dream is quite long, so I’m removing some early portions for the sake of brevity.

Lucid, I’m at the top of a building overlooking a large city at night. I decide to fly out over the city, eventually flying into a basketball court with Tim Robinson and several Looney Toons cartoon characters, including Bugs Bunny. I’m curious about the situation, unsure what to make of it. Tim shows them how to fly, and they each begin to lift up and out of the gymnasium. I quickly follow them, flying up to the rafters and easily passing through the roof of the building.

Once outside, we’re all flying up toward the cosmos. They disappear behind me as I soar upward at faster speeds. In the distance, I see big orange stars and, I “let go” of my body. I’m now float-flying upward toward the stars horizontally. Strange pixelated objects begin softly floating near me. I pluck them from the sky and put them in my mouth as if to eat them. Nothing happens as I do this, but I’m incredibly delighted to chomp on them like a video game.

As I continue to rise upward toward the cosmos, I recall my intent and ask the dream to show me my highest self. When the words come out of my mouth, I begin to struggle with speaking toward the end of the phrase. Losing my voice often happens for me, but each time it feels jarring and confusing. Nonetheless, the now empty black sky begins to swirl in barely perceptible ways before an enormous green dragon appears. The dragon flies in tight circles around a bright orange fire orb that seems like a portal.

Before long, I am pulled into the orb, and the scene immediately shifts to a small room that seems like it’s inside a tree. Everything in the room is small and trinket-like, and I’m surprised by the sudden shift in vibe. I sit on a tiny armchair, and a small creature appears before me. I seem to ask it for my “soul purpose,” but the words don’t come out quite right; I’m unable to articulate what I mean. The creature disappears, and I’m feeling a bit nervous about what will happen next. Still lucid, I try to let go of the anxiety by getting up and dancing. Several objects and a small tree in the corner begin to dance with me, and I feel more confident again. With this new feeling, I jump up and “dive” into the ground with the intent of traveling somewhere new. I seem to wake up.

It’s a false awakening.

No longer lucid, I sit up in an unfamiliar bedroom with two men sitting by my side. They’re excited that I’m finally awake and eagerly hand me a stack of papers. Some of the papers are my dream keywords, but most of them are letters from fans. Confused, I ask them about the fan mail, and they tell me that the whole world has been watching my “dream movies.” I don’t quite understand what they mean, and they tell me that already existing television and movie scripts are here for me to read. I’m instantly disappointed; I thought they meant that many movies and television shows were being made from my dreams and people were watching them live.

I wake up.

Note: Sometimes your lucid dreams can behave in the most unexpected ways! Go with the flow and let things happen.


Weekly Stats:

24 Total, 1 Lucid

  • 💭3,291 - Scrooge Remake
  • 👽3,292 - Alien Ship Arrival
  • 💭3,293 - Photo Card Game
  • 💭3,294 - Cloud Theatre
  • 💭3,295 - Story Submissions
  • 💭3,296 - Walk out of the Show
  • 💭3,297 - Iceberg Swimming
  • 💭3,298 - Candy and the TV Execs
  • 💭3,299 - Snow Mountain Mission
  • 💭3,300 - Work Emotions
  • 💭3,301 - Mall Explosion
  • 💭3,302 - Rushed Bus Stop
  • 💭3,303 - Go Kart Shopping
  • 💭3,304 - Forced to Quit
  • 💭3,305 - Colleague Car Chase
  • 💭3,306 - BLM Shirt & Video
  • ⚡️3,307 - Dragon Portal (And Other Things)
  • 💭3,308 - Google Moat
  • 🌴3,309 - Friends in Mexico
  • 💭3,310 - Hot Tub Testing
  • 💰3,311 - $100K vs $100M
  • 💭3,312 - Empty Flight Seat
  • 💭3,313 - Notable Inventor
  • 💭3,314 - Jump Zone Philanthropy

💭Regular, ⚡️Lucid

July Dream Summary

Happy August! The summer has been quite lovely with some relaxing, local trips, and getting back into the general swing of things. I continue to feel hopeful and positive and wish everyone well wherever they may be. July has been another "usual" month, though I am starting to focus more on physical and mental health with a great emphasis on nutrition, fitness, and mindfulness in the coming months. I'm looking forward to seeing how these focus areas affect my dreaming; I suspect quality and lucidity will grow! Of course, I will report findings, challenges, setbacks and progress as I continue to evolve and prioritize health. Onward! ✨

Dream Stats

  • Total Dreams: 86
  • Lucid Dreams: 10 (12%)
  • Regular Dreams: 86 (88%)
  • Nights with Recall: 29/31 (94%)
  • Nights with any Lucidity: 7/31 (23%)
  • Average Recall Per Night: 3
  • Highest Dreams in One Night: 6
  • Average Sleep Duration: 8h:40m
  • 2021 Average Dreams Per Month: 84
  • 2021 Average Lucid Dreams Per Month: 9


All-Time Total


As of July 31, 2021
Since June 7, 2018

July Total


June - 83
May - 86

July Regular


June - 74
May - 78

July Lucid (12%)


June - 9
May - 8



July Dreams

June Dream Summary

I’m thrilled that summer is upon us and the pandemic is slowing down (at least in the US). I’ve been less stressed about the state of the world, and my mindfulness practice has been kickstarted yet again. I’m feeling more optimistic these days, and June was full of bright lights and happy moments. As we move in to July, I am eager for the rest of the summer to take shape with more dreams, more visits with friends, more local trips, and more wellness. I’m hoping the rest of the world continues to fight covid so we can all open and share in spaces together again. For now though, let’s look at June Dream Stats! ✨

Dream Stats

  • Total Dreams: 83
  • Lucid Dreams: 9 (9%)
  • Regular Dreams: 74 (91%)
  • Nights with Recall: 26/31 (87%)
  • Nights with any Lucidity: 7/31 (23%)
  • Average Recall Per Night: 3
  • Highest Dreams in One Night: 6
  • Average Sleep Duration: 8h:47m
  • 2021 Average Dreams Per Month: 84
  • 2021 Average Lucid Dreams Per Month: 9


All-Time Total


As of June 30, 2021
Since June 7, 2018

June Total


May - 86
April - 95

June Regular


May - 78
April - 87

June Lucid (11%)


May - 8
April - 8



June Dreams

May Dream Summary

May is my birthday month, and I’m excited to have celebrated with lots of dreams and lucidity! Despite the downward trend of recall in the last few moths, I'm still excited and encouraged to continue the practices. Work and life are always so busy, and May has been busy as ever! That's why I believe it's so important to practice with "as little disruption" as possible to daily life. That way you can practice regardless of the natural ebb and flow of stress and calm. Check out my post on The Path of Least Disruption to learn more about how I do it. Now, on to May stats!

Dream Stats

  • Total Dreams: 86
  • Lucid Dreams: 8 (9%)
  • Regular Dreams: 78 (91%)
  • Nights with Recall: 26/31 (87%)
  • Nights with any Lucidity: 7/31 (23%)
  • Average Recall Per Night: 3
  • Highest Dreams in One Night: 6
  • Average Sleep Duration: 8h:47m
  • 2021 Average Dreams Per Month: 84
  • 2021 Average Lucid Dreams Per Month: 9


All-Time Total


As of May 31, 2021
Since June 7, 2018

May Total


April - 95
March - 82

May Regular


April - 87
March - 76

May Lucid (9%)


April - 8
March - 6



May Dreams

Quick Tips: The Path of Least Disruption


A guide to consistent lucid dreaming.

Cultivating a fruitful dream practice is all about consistency. It means showing up to practice every day and putting those practices into place at key moments. Of course, not every day will be a "game day." Your daily practice is what prepares you for when game day arrives. To me, there are two types of game days.

  1. Dream Game Day: When you have focused motivation to achieve specific dreaming goals and intentions for the night.

  2. Life Game Day: When you have a specific life event (planned or unexpected) in which having clarity of thought and "lucid living" is critical to success.

Many new dreamers share the idea that cultivating a consistent dreaming practice is a disruptive way of life - that's it's time-consuming, a lot of work, it's too much to think about, or it's just too hard. This is because new dreamers tend to believe every night is game night. It's all or nothing. Of course, it's much more complex and nuanced.

When you are just starting out, it will seem hard. You're stretching a muscle for the first time. It does take effort, experimentation, and work to get into a rhythm. To learn what works through trial and error. People focus more on the near-sighted goal of having a lucid dream as fast as possible. However, the more important goal is finding your unique rhythm. This means finding the set of things (a recipe, if you will) that work best for your lifestyle.

My recipe is fine-tuned, battle-tested, and hand-crafted to suit my needs and to fit seamlessly into my life. I call this approach the "path of least disruption." If anything you are doing is not sustainable long term, or completely disruptive, stop doing it. Find a different way. These practices must fit neatly into your everyday life. That's the only way it becomes consistent and leads to the ultimate goal of regular lucidity both in dreams and in your life. Find quiet balance in your practice every day, and amp it up on game day (or night).

You will need to find your own individual recipe, and that is where your focus needs to be. Once your recipe is in place, it will become much easier for you over time. It will simply be a part of your life. Here are my top five tips to find your recipe on the "path of least disruption."

  1. Create a dream journal that you'll actually keep up with. If you don't like to write freehand, don't do it. If you can't be bothered to write full dream narratives right when you wake, write some keywords and transcribe them later. Try out different methods and adjust until you love doing it.

  2. Make a habit of reality checking during the day, but not so much that it becomes rote or mindless. Be present and aware when you ask yourself if you are dreaming. I like to do a reality check every time something is "Out of..." - Out of place, out of character, out of sync, out of this world, etc. If you're doing it too frequently, you'll eventually give up on it.

  3. Limit your sleep disruption and prioritize great healthy sleep. Practicing wake back to bed every night, may not be the best for you, especially if you don't have enough time and space to get more than 8 hours of sleep with your dream practice. Your time awake in the middle of the night should be additive to your regular sleep. Experiment with the methods and approaches until you discover your best mix.

  4. Prioritize your specific dream goals and intentions into "game nights." Avoid jamming all your goals into every night. Focus on daily good sleep and dream practice and then focus a few nights a month (or a week-long stretch) on your specific goals.

  5. Take breaks! Just like any sport or skill, take a break to rest and just sleep. Pack up your gear for the night. Meditate and let go of your practice.

Ultimately, a lucid dreaming practice prepares you for the most challenging and rewarding of "Life Game Days" while providing healing, growth, spirituality, and creativity to all of your "Dream Game Days." Spend every day developing small, balanced practices and you will get closer to being prepared for these events. Focus on the long haul with daily practice. Find your recipe, develop a path of least disruption, and just keep it up, like brushing your teeth. The benefits and greatest rewards will come to you naturally in time.

Wishing you the very best on your unique dreaming journey.



April Dream Summary

April was the start of another season of living and dreaming, and I'm so excited to reflect on the ❄️winter, and move into the 🌸spring and summer months. It's always such fun to look at my little dream "cards" each night, and I've been posting all of them by season here.

The most exciting thing about April was reaching the an incredible milestone of logging a total 3,000 Dreams since June 2018! What! I'm so incredibly proud of this achievement, and because I love data so much, there's a post with more of those details here.

But for now, let's narrow in on April Dreams:

Dream Stats

  • Total Dreams: 95
  • Lucid Dreams: 8 (8%)
  • Regular Dreams: 87 (92%)
  • Nights with Recall: 29/30 (97%)
  • Nights with any Lucidity: 6/30 (20%)
  • Average Recall Per Night: 3
  • Highest Dreams in One Night: 9
  • Average Sleep Duration: 9h:15m
  • 2021 Average Dreams Per Month: 84
  • 2021 Average Lucid Dreams Per Month: 10


All-Time Total


As of April 30, 2021
Since June 7, 2018

April Total


March - 82
February - 70

April Regular


March - 76
February - 63

April Lucid (8%)


March - 6
February - 7



April Dreams