Image by Kumiko Shimizu
Dream of the Week: Dragon Portal (And Other Things...)
Quick Setup: This dream is quite long, so I’m removing some early portions for the sake of brevity.
Lucid, I’m at the top of a building overlooking a large city at night. I decide to fly out over the city, eventually flying into a basketball court with Tim Robinson and several Looney Toons cartoon characters, including Bugs Bunny. I’m curious about the situation, unsure what to make of it. Tim shows them how to fly, and they each begin to lift up and out of the gymnasium. I quickly follow them, flying up to the rafters and easily passing through the roof of the building.
Once outside, we’re all flying up toward the cosmos. They disappear behind me as I soar upward at faster speeds. In the distance, I see big orange stars and, I “let go” of my body. I’m now float-flying upward toward the stars horizontally. Strange pixelated objects begin softly floating near me. I pluck them from the sky and put them in my mouth as if to eat them. Nothing happens as I do this, but I’m incredibly delighted to chomp on them like a video game.
As I continue to rise upward toward the cosmos, I recall my intent and ask the dream to show me my highest self. When the words come out of my mouth, I begin to struggle with speaking toward the end of the phrase. Losing my voice often happens for me, but each time it feels jarring and confusing. Nonetheless, the now empty black sky begins to swirl in barely perceptible ways before an enormous green dragon appears. The dragon flies in tight circles around a bright orange fire orb that seems like a portal.
Before long, I am pulled into the orb, and the scene immediately shifts to a small room that seems like it’s inside a tree. Everything in the room is small and trinket-like, and I’m surprised by the sudden shift in vibe. I sit on a tiny armchair, and a small creature appears before me. I seem to ask it for my “soul purpose,” but the words don’t come out quite right; I’m unable to articulate what I mean. The creature disappears, and I’m feeling a bit nervous about what will happen next. Still lucid, I try to let go of the anxiety by getting up and dancing. Several objects and a small tree in the corner begin to dance with me, and I feel more confident again. With this new feeling, I jump up and “dive” into the ground with the intent of traveling somewhere new. I seem to wake up.
It’s a false awakening.
No longer lucid, I sit up in an unfamiliar bedroom with two men sitting by my side. They’re excited that I’m finally awake and eagerly hand me a stack of papers. Some of the papers are my dream keywords, but most of them are letters from fans. Confused, I ask them about the fan mail, and they tell me that the whole world has been watching my “dream movies.” I don’t quite understand what they mean, and they tell me that already existing television and movie scripts are here for me to read. I’m instantly disappointed; I thought they meant that many movies and television shows were being made from my dreams and people were watching them live.
I wake up.

Note: Sometimes your lucid dreams can behave in the most unexpected ways! Go with the flow and let things happen.
Weekly Stats:
24 Total, 1 Lucid
- 💭3,291 - Scrooge Remake
- 👽3,292 - Alien Ship Arrival
- 💭3,293 - Photo Card Game
- 💭3,294 - Cloud Theatre
- 💭3,295 - Story Submissions
- 💭3,296 - Walk out of the Show
- 💭3,297 - Iceberg Swimming
- 💭3,298 - Candy and the TV Execs
- 💭3,299 - Snow Mountain Mission
- 💭3,300 - Work Emotions
- 💭3,301 - Mall Explosion
- 💭3,302 - Rushed Bus Stop
- 💭3,303 - Go Kart Shopping
- 💭3,304 - Forced to Quit
- 💭3,305 - Colleague Car Chase
- 💭3,306 - BLM Shirt & Video
- ⚡️3,307 - Dragon Portal (And Other Things)
- 💭3,308 - Google Moat
- 🌴3,309 - Friends in Mexico
- 💭3,310 - Hot Tub Testing
- 💰3,311 - $100K vs $100M
- 💭3,312 - Empty Flight Seat
- 💭3,313 - Notable Inventor
- 💭3,314 - Jump Zone Philanthropy
💭Regular, ⚡️Lucid