3,000 Dreams Recorded!


3,000 Dreams, 1,048 Nights

It’s time to break out the bubbly in celebration of recording 3,000 dreams in full detail since June 7, 2018! When I started this project in 2018, I was remembering one to dreams per week. PER WEEK. With time, dedication, and patience, I continue to record completed and detailed dream narratives three to four times per night and sometimes upward of seven to nine.

I say this to encourage anyone and everyone interesting in dreaming to just start! Don’t worry about where you are on your journey. I started this project with very little recall and no consistency in my lucidity. Over the last few years, I’ve read the books, I’ve trained and studies, I’ve developed my practice, I am diligent about getting great sleep… and perhaps most importantly… I’ve never given up. You can do the same.

And because I love data and stats so much (all tracked through a massive spreadsheet I created), here are some interesting gems about those 3,000 dreams since I started recording them in detail. The duration is June 7, 2018 to April 19th 2021 or 1,048 Nights.

Total Dreams: 3,000
Regular Dreams: 2,546 (82%)
Lucid Dreams: 454 (18%)

Percent of Nights with Recall: 92%
Precent of Nights with Lucidity: 24%

Percent Very High Lucidity: 9%
Percent High Lucidity: 43%

Percent Medium Lucidity: 35%
Percent Low Lucidity: 13%

Percent DILD: 54%
Percent WILD: 28%
Percent Other: 18%

Intense Nightmares: 33
Dreams with Recurring Themes: 128
False Awakenings: 48
Epic or Big Dreams: 19
Out of Body: 31
Prophetic Dreams: 5

Percent Participant: 94%
Percent Witness: 6%

Percent Postive: 25%
Percent Neutral: 49%
Percent Negative: 26%

Percent Realistic: 61%
Percent Fantastical: 39%

Percent Dreams I Like: 34%
Percent Dreams Neutral: 52%
Percent Dreams I Dislike: 14%

Average Sleep Time: 11:10pm
Average Wake Time: 8:37am
Average Sleep Duration: 8h 52m

Averages Number of Dreams per Month: 87
Average Number of Lucid Dreams per Month: 14


March Dream Summary

With so many stressors this month (and the last three months!) my dream life was a bit chaotic. My meditation practice has taken a nosedive for the last several quarters, and my intentions and focus have been all over the place. But I press on every day, dedicating energy and space to my dreams. I really look forward to the spring and summer months ahead with renewed energy, spirit, and growth. And of course, on more intentional work with my nighttime rituals! Here’s what my busy March looked like in dreams.

Dream Stats

  • Total Dreams: 82
  • Lucid Dreams: 6 (7%)
  • Regular Dreams: 76 (93%)
  • Nights with Recall: 27/31 (87%)
  • Nights with any Lucidity: 4/31 (13%)
  • Average Recall Per Night: 3
  • Highest Dreams in One Night: 7
  • Average Sleep Duration: 8h:48m
  • 2021 Average Dreams Per Month: 80
  • 2021 Average Lucid Dreams Per Month: 10


All-Time Total


As of March 31, 2021
Since June 7, 2018

March Total


February - 70
January - 88

March Regular


February - 63
January - 71

March Lucid (7%)


February - 7
January - 17



March Dreams

February Dream Summary

A little bit of a slow month this February, and I suspect March will be the same. The beginning of the year started off incredibly busy and stressful at work and has continued through the entire month! I do believe my workload will shift and settle down a little bit in April, so I look forward to a reprieve then. For now, and as I look ahead, I will prepare for leaner dreaming months and be perfectly okay with it. It kind of works well for a winter hibernation, don’t you think?

Dream Stats

  • Total Dreams: 70
  • Lucid Dreams: 7 (10%)
  • Regular Dreams: 63 (90%)
  • Nights with Recall: 28/28 (100%)
  • Nights with any Lucidity: 5/28 (18%)
  • Average Recall Per Night: 3
  • Highest Dreams in One Night: 5
  • Average Sleep Duration: 9h:02m
  • 2021 Average Dreams Per Month: 79
  • 2021 Average Lucid Dreams Per Month: 12


All-Time Total


As of February 28, 2021
Since June 7, 2018

February Total


January - 88
December - 105

February Regular


January - 71
December - 93

February Lucid (10%)


January - 17
December - 12



February Dreams

Strawberry House on Pool Boulevard

Image by Jesse Gardner

Image by Jesse Gardner

Dream of the Week: Strawberry House on Pool Boulevard

I’m outside in the middle of a random field, and I notice that things seem just a little bit strange. This odd confusion sparks lucidity, and I realize that I’m dreaming. Excited to be lucid again tonight, I decide that I want to turn myself into a tree. I wish to change from me to tree, but it doesn’t work. I fly in the air and talk about becoming a tree in a sing-song way, intent on making it happen.

It occurs to me that I might be going about it all wrong and that it’s just a quick switch. I should experience the process where parts of me transition first, and I will more slowly and more intentionally. I imagine branches flowing from my fingers, and they begin to grow. My arms and hands and body all transform to small branches and roots before I am fully shifted into a tree. I’m delighted!

Still floating in the air, I fly up as fast as I can, slowly shifting back into human form. I break through a kind barrier and enter a whimsical, colorful wonderland similar to something like Whoville. The homes are closely packed together along a mountainside with amazing colors and perfect little lawns. Each home has a large beautiful blue swimming pool taking up most of the yard. They are all situated along a swimming pool boulevard that connects the town.

People are “commuting” down the main thoroughfare by lying on their backs in swimsuits, letting the current take them down the mountain. I fly down to “my” home, a giant luxurious strawberry with a pool inside and outside. I swim in and out of the pool, splashing in the water and feeling the utmost joy.

I settle on the edge of the indoor pool, looking out onto this amazing town, wishing I could come back here often. I consider the pool, the creativity, the color, and have nothing but fondness and love for this little spot I’ve created. This is what the wealth and abundance has created for me, and I couldn’t be happier. I understand that this is the best place for me, and I’m overjoyed.

I continue to look around and take in the scene, noticing a white dome at the very top of the city. I think that must be where the richest of the rich live or maybe even the overseers of this town. Out of curiosity, I want to see what I might discover up there, so I decide to fly up and check it out. I pause for a moment, thanking myself for this little spot and hoping I’ll get to come back.

The dream fades. 🍓

ProTip: It’s possible to “re-enter” a dream experience through quiet and focused visualization exercises while awake. Imagine you are back there and let new experiences unfold.


Weekly Stats:

18 Total, 2 Lucid

  • 💭 2,822 - Wrong Lenses Photoshoot
  • 💭 2,823 - Failed Twice Today
  • 🤣 2,824 - Elon’s Dog
  • 💭 2,825 - The Courage of 1000 Lions
  • 💭 2,826 - Kid Snack
  • 💭 2,827 - Waste of Time
  • 💭 2,828 - Bone Knife Mystery
  • 💭 2,829 - Very Few Dreamers
  • ⏱ 2,830 - Need to Read from the Script
  • ⏱ 2,831 - Dangerously Low Flight
  • 💭 2,832 - Picnic Story, Sudden Rain
  • ⚡️ 2,833 - Captor in Many Masks
  • ⚡️ 2,834 - Strawberry House on Pool Boulevard 🔥
  • 💭 2,835 - Coke or Pepsi Entrance
  • 💭 2,836 - Terrible Teacher Tessa
  • 💭 2,837 - Stand Up Airport Theft
  • 💭 2,838 - Bunny Bumble Bee
  • 💭 2,839 - Senior’s Party

⚡️Lucid, 🔥 Favorite, ⏱Recurring, 🤣Silly

January Dream Summary

The beginning of the year was all the things: celebratory, tumultuous, and just more of the same, same. January continued with the many ups and downs and twists and turns that has defined much of 2020, but I like to think that I have remained resilient. My dreams have continued on as usual, with higher sparks in lucid dreams and fantastical content. I’ve been enjoying the playful nature that my dreams often show me as a respite from the monotony of ongoing shelter in place and working from home. Still, I’m optimistic about 2021, and I look forward to seeing each month unfold.

Dream Stats

  • Total Dreams: 88
  • Lucid Dreams: 17 (19%)
  • Regular Dreams: 71 (81%)
  • Nights with Recall: 28/31 (90%)
  • Nights with any Lucidity: 10/31 (32%)
  • Average Recall Per Night: 3
  • Highest Dreams in One Night: 8
  • Average Sleep Duration: 9h:11m
  • 2021 Average Dreams Per Month: 88
  • 2021 Average Lucid Dreams Per Month: 17


All-Time Total


As of January 31, 2021
Since June 7, 2018

January Total


December - 105
November - 89

January Regular


December - 93
November - 79

January Lucid (19%)


December - 12
November - 10



January Dreams

Quick Tips for Improving Dream Recall

Image by Kevin Laminto

Image by Kevin Laminto

Remembering your dreams is easier than you think!

I always love going back to the basics, and Dream Recall is the absolute foundation of any dream practice (lucid or otherwise). It's easier than you think!

Anytime you wake up throughout the night, remain still in your bed and quietly think about what you may have been dreaming about. Many of us have little fragments swirling in our minds that can be "reeled" in.⁠ ⁠ I like to think of this process like fishing. I might remember that I was dreaming of something specific like a horse or a person - that's my hook. I also might simply know that I was dreaming, which can be a hook in and of itself.⁠

From there, I cycle through random questions like:⁠

  • Was I talking to someone?⁠

  • Was I eating? ⁠

  • What was I running from?⁠

  • Was there an apple?

  • A cat? A train?⁠

  • Was it Night? Day? ⁠

  • Was I scared? Was I happy? Mad?⁠

  • What was I doing?

  • Who was there?⁠ ⁠

If I feel stuck, I go to my recurring and universal themes like:⁠

  • Was I in school?

  • Taking a test?⁠

  • Was I unable to control a car?⁠

  • Was I late? Or lost?⁠ ⁠

And sometimes I'll just rapid fire random words, emotions, and themes that come to my head until I feel something resonate like: Red, blue, cat, cow, water, forest, childhood, winter, sad, cookie, books, trains, parents, work, house, raining, walking, crying, joyful, future, cosmos, library, etc.

Usually, I'll "catch" the memory based on these questions and can reel in the entire dream narrative from there based on one tiny spark. I seem to be able to “feel” that I’m on the right path based on a single word. Soon more words resonate and then the whole thing trickles back. It's incredibly effective even when it feels like there was no dream there to begin with. You'll be amazed by how easy this becomes in time.⁠

And of course, write down whatever comes to you immediately. I like to scribble a few keywords on scrap paper all night and then review my papers in the morning to solidify the memory. After that I'll write the full narrative in my journal later in the day, when I have time. That way there's no rush to do it right when you get up.

You can also do this practice any time in the day! In the afternoon, quietly lay down and practice dream recall from last night, or several nights ago! There’s no reason to restrict this process to just last night. I have found that the more I do it, dreams of many years ago start to come to me. It’s a wild ride.

Give it a try!⁠



The 2020 Dream Report!


I’m excited to publish the first annual Dream Report!

Hi dreamers! 2020 is a wrap, but I am excited to share with you the first ever Annual Dream Report showing 2020 data in all it’s glory. Maybe not ALL the data I collect on my sleep and dreams, but quite a lot of if it in a compact, digestible way. This juicy stuff is best viewed on desktop for all the charts and what have you.

I am particularly obsessed with data, so a big part of my practice is keeping detailed records of each dream and each day’s events. For my annual dream report this year, I’m sharing just a small portion of the amount of data I collect in a massive spreadsheet, as it’s just too much!

Nonetheless, I do hope you enjoy peeking into my sleeping brain, as much as I do collecting it. In addition to the data, I’ve also posted all 1,047 dream titles here.

Check out the full 2020 Dream Report now!

Happy New Year!✨



December Dream Summary

And with that, it’s the end of the year! What a wild ride it’s been. December was a full month of dreaming a lucidity, one of my highest on record! I can’t believe that we’ve made it through this year, and I am so grateful to my continued health and sanity. I always chuckle a little when I think about my hobby - sleeping can be done from anywhere! I’m lucky and grateful that the pandemic could support it.

I’ve since published my 2020 Dream Report, so check that out for all the great data from the year!

Dream Stats

  • Total Dreams: 105
  • Lucid Dreams: 12 (12%)
  • Regular Dreams: 93 (88%)
  • Nights with Recall: 29/31 (94%)
  • Nights with any Lucidity: 7/31 (23%)
  • Average Recall Per Night: 3
  • Highest Dreams in One Night: 10
  • Average Sleep Duration: 9h:05m
  • 2020 Average Dreams Per Month: 87
  • 2020 Average Lucid Dreams Per Month: 11


All-Time Total


As of December 31, 2020
Since June 7, 2018

December Total


November - 89
October - 96

December Regular


November - 79
October - 86

December Lucid (11%)


November - 10
October - 10



December Dreams

Celebrate the New Year with hatsuyume!

Image by Ningyu He

Image by Ningyu He

Hatusyume is the first dream of the new year.

In Japanese traditions, hatsuyume refers to the first dream of the year and sets the tone for the year ahead. It is said that it's particularly auspicious to dream of Mount Fuji, a hawk, and an eggplant, which will bring the dreamer abundance and greatness. 🗻🦅🍆

Setting intentions for my own hatsuyume has become one of my absolute favorite dream traditions and certainly my favorite New Year's tradition.

I learned about hatsuyume from the incomparable dream teacher, Robert Moss, and I love it so much. This year feels particularly transformative, so I'm so excited to listen to the messages of my first dream in 2021. According to tradition, you can record your hatsuyume on the night of December 31st or January 1st, depending on your level of revelry on New Year's Eve.⁠

⁠I like to let go of my lucid practice for the New Year and let all dreams flow to me, welcoming an influx of wisdom and abundance. My only goal is to remember.

Mantras are always helpful ways to set intentions. For hatsuyume, I like this one: "I will receive guidance, support, and luck for the year ahead."⁠

Wishing you all a joyful New Year and an auspicious hatsuyume! ✨🥂



Top 9 Dreams with Christmas Themes

Image by Rodion Kutsaev

Image by Rodion Kutsaev

Lucid, I discover the ceiling is covered in amazing Christmas ornaments! I examine as many as I can, in awe of the realistic textures and beautiful colors.

From Dream #101: Childhood Home

A Saturday Night Live skit with Bobby Moynihan playing a modern, lazy Santa who rides a flying polar bear and doesn't give AF what kids want for Christmas.

From Dream #787: Santa Bobby Moynihan

While working from home, I get distracted by a snow globe depicting a Christmas wonderland. Suddenly, I'm transported inside, dancing under the snow. I hear the sound of an email, and I'm sucked right back out.

From Dream #956: Working from Home

Lucid, I shout out to the dream, "I wish to become pure creativity!" A massive Christmas ornament in the shape of a purple sparkly snowflake falls through the ceiling.

From Dream #1100: Becoming Creativity

It's a post apocalyptic Christmas scene and I'm part of a female warrior squad charged with fighting against evil. Our first challenge is to battle a murdery version of Santa.

From Dream #1232: Defend Against Evil Winter

A Disney-style ride has been set up on a snowy farm in rural Pennsylvania. The cars move into a viewing area where we watch A Christmas Carol on an elaborate stage. The emcee picks me for audience participation, but I'm not funny so they kick me off stage.

From Dream #1433: Christmas Ride

Lucid, I wander through a Christmas Store at night. I stop to admire the ornaments but feel a presence behind me. I turn to find a man who has a gun pointing at me. Surprised, I ask him why he wants to shoot me. “Because you are the dreamer,” he says.

From Dream #0983: Moon Dragons

A family runs through a Christmas store, stuffing their shirts and bags with holiday decorations and candy canes. The dad yells for the kids to hurry up. The kids run out the door while ornaments and festive items hilariously fall from their clothes.

From Dream #1741: Escape the Christmas Store


My office is hosting a Christmas contest where each floor will decorate their workspace in one theme. I scope out other floors, super impressed. I get back to my floor, and my team picked boring cherubs as our theme. I hate it.

From Dream #1858: Office Christmas Contest

November Dream Summary

We're nearing the end of the year! I’m so thankful for everything that was positive for me and those in my inner circle, and send healing to those in the who are struggling and need support. Everyone is in my thoughts and dreams this year! As we move into this year’s final month, let’s take a closer look at November dream data.

Dream Stats

  • Total Dreams: 89
  • Lucid Dreams: 10 (11%)
  • Regular Dreams: 79 (89%)
  • Nights with Recall: 27/30 (90%)
  • Nights with any Lucidity: 5/30 (17%)
  • Average Recall Per Night: 3
  • Highest Dreams in One Night: 6
  • Average Sleep Duration: 8h:43m
  • 2020 Average Dreams Per Month: 85
  • 2020 Average Lucid Dreams Per Month: 11


All-Time Total


As of November 30, 2020
Since June 7, 2018

November Total


October - 96
September - 75

November Regular


October - 86
September - 65

November Lucid (11%)


October - 10
September - 10



November Dreams

Near Death by Orca


Dream of the Week: Near Death by Orca

I’m with a group of close friends in an observation cage suspended very high over a small town near the ocean. One friend arrives late, jumping into the cage from an unknown location. She doesn’t quite make it in the cage at first, gripping the side of it while throwing her pink handbag to another friend. After a short bit of hanging on the edge, the late friend manages to climb inside, and everyone settles down.

The cage swiftly flies over the town, touring the area before making a stop over the ocean. We are delighted to observe a large pod of orca feeding in the sea below. Suddenly, the cage breaks, and we all plummet into the water, splashing hard and fast. I lose track of everyone else as I try to find my way to the surface. The orcas are restless and aggressive, and I’m panicked to see one coming right for me. I am instantly killed when it bites down.

I “wake” up on the floor inside a small, dark room in front of an elevator. I’m aware that I have died. An unknown man and woman are there too. The woman is supportive and helpful, calming me down and helping me get up from the floor. She says nothing, but her presence is comforting. The man is standing inside a service window next to the elevator. I understand that he is the operator, and he is very stoic and emotionless. Ten bright lights appear in the air in front of him.

“You have ten seconds to decide if you want to stay here or go back there,” he says as the lights blink off with every passing second.

I don’t quite know what to do, so I close my eyes and let my instincts speak. “Go back,” I say without thought, and three seconds left.

The elevator door opens. The woman hands me two gray stones, the size of my palms. She sends me in alone. As the doors close, the stones begin to emit tiny white lights around them as if fireflies were circling each stone.

The elevator begins to descend, with the doors slightly open. I can still see the man and woman in the room. The rocks begin to float above my hands as though activating something. I feel incredible joy and love and call out to the people how much I love them. The woman happily waves down to me, and the doors close fully. I continue to ride the elevator down until the environment fades to black.

I “wake” again under the water with the orca still circling above, just as before.

With a renewed sense of purpose, energy, and courage, I swim as fast as I can to the surface, breaking the water with pure joy. I call for the orcas to follow me so I can get them away from my friends. With impossible speed, I lure them to chase me but manage to keep them at bay. Eventually, they give up, and I swim back toward one of them, completely unafraid. With reckless abandon and utter confidence, I leap onto the back of an orca and ride it toward land.

I wake up. 🐋

Note: Dreams of dying can be surprisingly cathartic, energizing, and even comforting. Lean into your death dreams with curiosity over fear.


Weekly Stats:

21 Total, 1 Lucid

  • 💭 2,547 - Whales!
  • 💭 2,548 - Messy Chair
  • 💭 2,549 - Corporate Boat Party
  • 💭 2,550 - Product Launch Event Rooms
  • 💭 2,551 - Avalanche Safe House
  • 🤣 2,552 - John Mulaney Hoodwinks
  • 🕷 2,553 - Deadly Puzzle House
  • 💭 2,554 - Where Did Everyone Go?
  • 🤣 2,555 - Adam Driver's New Movie
  • 💭 2,556 - Wedding Customs
  • 💭 2,557 - Food Bank Volunteer
  • 💭 2,558 - Recruiting Designers
  • 🤣 2,559 - Cheesy Pick Up Line
  • 🤣 2,560 - Dan Levy Acting Class
  • 💭 2,561 - Dated for Three Days
  • 💭 2,562 - Ship Emergency Drills
  • 💭 2,563 - Shifting Political Lagoon
  • 💭 2,564 - Grocery Cafe
  • ⚡️ 2,565 - Single Rider Car
  • 👏 2,566 - Near Death by Orca
  • 🎨 2,567 - Legendary Ad Exec

⚡️Lucid, ⏱Recurring, 🤣Silly, 🎨Creative, 🕷Nightmare 👏Great One

You have ten seconds to decide if you want to stay here or go back there.
— Dream #2,566

October Dream Summary

Here we are again, at the end of another busy and eventful dreaming month! September continued my streak of reaching ten lucid dreams per month for the third month in a row! Must be some luck with the number ten! It’s be a stressful month… summer… year, but we’re all managing. My practice has been relatively inconsistent throughout the year which has been expected. I’m seeing more lucid dreams from supplements this year, but I’m also not putting enough of the work for them to be more naturally occurring. Despite the ups and downs, I still find myself judging myself when I rely too heavily on boosts to achieve lucidity. Nonetheless, I’m looking forward to a potential release of the lingering anxiety in the next few days. We shall see. 🤞

Dream Stats

  • Total Dreams: 96
  • Lucid Dreams: 10 (10%)
  • Regular Dreams: 86 (90%)
  • Nights with Recall: 28/31 (90%)
  • Nights with any Lucidity: 4/31 (13%)
  • Average Recall Per Night: 03
  • Highest Dreams in One Night: 9
  • Average Sleep Duration: 8h:19m
  • 2020 Average Dreams Per Month: 85
  • 2020 Average Lucid Dreams Per Month: 11


All-Time Total


As of October 31, 2020
Since June 7, 2018

October Total


September - 75
August - 96

October Regular


September - 65
August - 86

October Lucid (10%)


September - 10
August - 10



October Dreams

September Dream Summary

Perhaps it goes without saying, I am eager to move into October and fly by through November. There’s so much going on in the world, I’ve just been focusing on rest and replenishment. The chaos is echoed through work, covid, civic unrest, and the state of politics in the US. I am forever grateful for everything I do have during these times… especially dreams! Here’s how September went for me… a bit late.

Dream Stats

  • Total Dreams: 75
  • Lucid Dreams: 10 (13%)
  • Regular Dreams: 65 (89%)
  • Nights with Recall: 27/30 (90%)
  • Nights with any Lucidity: 3/30 (10%)
  • Average Recall Per Night: 03
  • Highest Dreams in One Night: 9 (Galantamine!)
  • Average Sleep Duration: 8h:36m
  • 2020 Average Dreams Per Month: 84
  • 2020 Average Lucid Dreams Per Month: 11


All-Time Total


As of September 30, 2020
Since June 7, 2018

September Total


August - 96
July - 81

September Regular


August - 86
July - 72

September Lucid (13%)


August - 10
July - 09



September Dreams

Pool Dance Party

Image by Mohamed Nohassi

Image by Mohamed Nohassi

Dream of the Week: Pool Dance Party

I’m swimming in a massive outdoor pool in the middle of a lush, tree-filled public park. Lots of other swimmers are enjoying the beauty of the water amongst the bountiful plant life. Joyfully leaping in and out of the pool, and producing perfectly crisp splashes, I suddenly realize I’m dreaming!

Now lucid, I clearly and eagerly recall my goal of getting everyone in a dream to dance with me. ⚡️

Standing at the edge of the water, I gleefully shake and dance around, with total abandonment of inhibition. I wave my hands, jump about sprightly, and joyfully groove to an imagined beat, hoping the dream figures in the pool will join me. My dancing continues for a short while before they eventually jump in and mimic my motions. When I wave my arms, they follow, all with exuberant smiles, effervescent freedom, and energized spirits. I feel like I’m revitalizing my whole self by getting these figures to move with me

I then notice that all the dream figures here are women, and relish in the feminine spirit. I take off my swimsuit, and they all follow. We’re overflowing with carefree joy, completely secure in ourselves, and our uninhibited bliss. It’s incredible! I dive into the pool and feel the water’s cool sensation as I soar swiftly beneath the surface.

I wake up.

Note: The energy of dancing in this dream made such a positive impact on my mood the following day. Give it a try!


Weekly Stats:

13 Total, 1 Lucid

  • 💭 2,374 - Point the Missiles Underground
  • 💭 2,375 - My Friend's Big Family
  • 💭 2,376 - Incoming Drones
  • 💭 2,377 - Backyard Card Games
  • 🎨 2,378 - Zoo After Hours
  • 💭 2,379 - Visiting New Jersey
  • 💭 2,380 - Scuba Trip Arrangements
  • ⚡️ 2,381 - Pool Dance Party 🔥
  • 💭 2,382 - Team Back to Work
  • 💭 2,383 - Friend's Phone Number
  • 🤣 2,384 - Christmas Outfit
  • 🕷 2,385 - Over the Top Car Crash
  • 🤣 2,386 - Wedding with The Rock

⚡️Lucid, 🔥Favorite, 🤣Silly, 🎨Creative, 🕷Nightmare