Wormhole Simulation

Dream of the Week: Wormhole Simulation

⚡️ I'm lying in bed awake in the middle of the night practicing a meditation and observing hypnogogic imagery. Before long, I feel the sensation of being "pulled down" - a very common characteristic of many of my Waking Induced Lucid Dreams (WILDs). I can see my hands as dark shadows as the dream starts to envelop me. With lucid awareness, I am in a dream, falling with a some control within a black void. I'm both flying and falling trying to make sense of where I am.

A blue mesh-like grid begins to reveal itself in the darkness. It gets brighter and brighter in an hourglass shape all around me as I continue to fall-fly through it. I stop for a moment to look around and see the hovering metallic glow of the mesh that looks like some kind of material. In between the mesh is a faint copper-rainbow kind of look as if tiny cells in a computer simulation. I realize the shape around me is a wormhole and I am totally blown away by how amazing it is. I continue to fall-fly and can see a green in the very far distance. It looks like a turf field in a way. I continue flying down at rapid speeds unsure of what I will find once there, a little nervous by the mystery. My partner shuffles in the bed and I wake up.

Note: Last week, I was pretty lazy with my daytime mindfulness. This week, my results sky-rocketed with more meditation. It does make a difference!


Weekly Stats: 22 Dreams (8 Lucid)

  • 💭 1,021 - Phone Call & Badge
  • 🤣 1,022 - Tyrion Turns
  • ⚡️ 1,023 - Taika's Playbook
  • 💭 1,024 - Yellow Paper - False Keywords
  • 💭 1,025 - Gross Water Escape
  • 💭 1,026 - Dream Group Planning
  • 💭 1,027 - Not Everyone Likes You 😢
  • 💭 1,028 - Suspended Ship Canals
  • ⚡️ 1,029 - Future Apartment Complex
  • ⚡️ 1,030 - Wormhole Simulation
  • ⚡️ 1,031 - Toast Cats and Healing
  • ⚡️ 1,032 - Family Messages
  • 💭 1,033 - GoPro Game of Thrones
  • ⚡️ 1,034 - The Women
  • ⏱ 1,035 - Manic Driving
  • 🤣 1,036 - New Mario
  • 💭 1,037 - White Dress Procession
  • 💭 1,038 - Bridesmaid Photo
  • ⏱ 1,039 - Sustained Break-up
  • 🕷 1,040 - Neighborhood Attack
  • ⚡️ 1,041 - Liberation Temple
  • ⚡️ 1,042 - Driving Backwards

⚡️Lucid, ⏱Recurring, 🤣Silly, 🕷Nightmare