Photo by John O'Nolan, thank you!
I’m off on an international adventure of Nordic proportions!
I’ll be in Norway for two weeks starting May 18th to June 2nd. I’m excited to get out there and practice my other love - Photography! And of course, I look forward to seeing how traveling through Norway will impact my dreams. I expect some early mornings, so dream time will be cut shorter… and there’s always the jet lag problem that might lead to strange dream time patterns - we’ll see!
In any case, I will be delayed in publishing my usual Dreams Last Week over the next two weeks… and a little bit afterward while I get myself caught up again. I won’t be able to dedicate as much time as I usually do to dream recording, so it will take some time to gather up the best material when I’m back. I do plan on retro-posting Dreams Last Week collected during my trip - or perhaps doing a single roll-up into a “Norway Dreams” post. Which sounds pretty good to me.
Until then! 👋
Pre-Vacation Stats: 8 Dreams (0 Lucid)
- 🕷 1043 - Bus Ride Shooting
- 💭 1044 - Confused Pride
- 💭 1045 - Arizona Tourists
- 💭 1046 - Secret Crush Party
- 🤣 1047 - Sorry Gendry
- 💭 1048 - Nuclear Disaster
- 💭 1049 - Re-Making the Paper Show
- 💭 1050 - Fleeting Snapshots - 05
🤣Silly, 🕷Nightmare