August Dream Summary

I’ve been lagging behind on dream journaling quite a bit this month. It can all be overwhelming sometimes - but so worth it! My recall has been growing so much since I first started this project a few years ago (staring from zero by the way) that I often fall behind on recording the full narrative which, of course, can be time consuming. My strategy has always been to take the path of least disruption to prove that you can be wholly dedicated to the world of dream in a way that it seamless to everyday life. And yet, life happens. That’s why it’s so important to have balance and not to get stressed about dreaming when life is full.

It was a busy month. Lots of business and personal travel, some nights of lousy sleep, late nights, and prolonged feelings of being out of sync. And that’s ok.



All-Time Total
As of August 31, 2019
Since Jun 7, 2018


August Total
July - 92
June - 83


August Regular
July - 76
June - 71


August Lucid (14%)
July - 16 (18%)
June - 12 (14%)