Iceberg Confidence

Dream of the Week: Iceberg Confidence

I'm in Antarctica with a group of friends and co-workers. We are swimming among small icebergs floating in the water as though it were a tropical location. I am utterly delighted by the scene, having this rare opportunity to swim below the ice, to climb on top of it and jump back into the from it. It occurs to me that this is impossible, and I realize that this is a dream! ⚡️

Now lucid, I keep playing in the ice with great joy. I take notice of the beautiful blue and green colors of the ice beneath the sea. I'm amazed that I'm here... that I'm actually swimming with icebergs - my favorite! After blissfully playing for a little while longer, I stop and consider what to do next. I try to fly, but I'm unsure of where I want to go. I reach my hands up to take flight, but I'm unable to take off. I try a second time and again I'm unable to lift off. I'm confused, but accept that flying is not an option right now. I swim away and the scene shifts to a vast industrial, warehouse that's very dark and glowing red. I am standing at the top of a metal staircase, and this new dark tone begins to frighten me. I can hear a strange sound like a frog croaking coming from somewhere at the bottom of the stairs, and I head down to investigate.

As I reach the halfway point down the stairs (and my heart racing), the creature emerges from behind a dark corner. I stop and squint to see that it's not a frog but a small dog, wagging its tail, looking back up at me calmly. I am relieved, but still nervous because the dark, red tone of the scene remains.

Still lucid, I wait to see what will happen next (a departure from my usual "spring into action" mode of behaving in lucid dreams). I stay put exactly where I am in the middle of the stairs. Shortly, three workers appear - two at the bottom and one at the top. I let them come to me. The two at the bottom pass by, and the one at the top stops where I am, sweeping the staircase.

I tell him that I want to talk to him. He says, "That's good, I want to talk to you." I am surprised and delighted by his responses, looking into his eyes. I ask, "Who are you, and what do you represent?" Without hesitation, he replies with, "I am Confidence." I am surprised and ask him to confirm what he said. "I am Confidence, but with loving-kindness." I am blown away by his words and want to guarantee that I take his confidence with loving-kindness with me. I ask him if it's okay to hug him. He readily agrees and put my arms around him, squeezing hard. I think to myself how crazy real this hug feels. A small crowd gathers, and I wake up refreshed.

ProTip: Pay attention to where the dream wants to take you! I often want to fly as soon as I’m lucid, but see what else is around you before taking off.


Weekly Stats:

24 Total, 4 Lucid

  • 💭 1,286 - Bathtub Frogs
  • 💭 1,287 - Beach Photography
  • 💭 1,288 - Gym Trap
  • ⏱ 1,289 - Group Wedding
  • ⏱ 1,290 - Anxiety Peter Pan
  • 💭 1,291 - Movie Trivia
  • 💭 1,292 - Happy Hour House Party
  • ⚡️ 1,293 - High School Friends
  • 💭 1,294 - Sweatpants to Work
  • ⚡️ 1,295 - Surrender to this Dream
  • 🤣 1,296 - Professor Keaton
  • ⚡️ 1,297 - Forgotten Gear
  • 🕷 1,298 - Dismemberment Artist
  • 🕷 1,299 - Pool Shooting
  • 💭 1,300 - Hotel Affair
  • 💭 1,301 - Lego and Spider-Man
  • 💭 1,302 - Nieces and Nephews
  • 🤣 1,303 - The Wine Email Dream
  • 💭 1,304 - Flooded Bathroom
  • 💭 1,305 - Lightning Stars
  • 💭 1,306 - 3:30 Meeting
  • 💭 1,307 - Bouncy Ball Game
  • ⚡️ 1,308 - Iceberg Confidence
  • 💭 1,309 - Neighborhood Watch

⚡️Lucid, ⏱Recurring, 🤣Silly, 🕷Nightmare