Monthly Stats

November Dream Summary

We're nearing the end of the year! I’m so thankful for everything that was positive for me and those in my inner circle, and send healing to those in the who are struggling and need support. Everyone is in my thoughts and dreams this year! As we move into this year’s final month, let’s take a closer look at November dream data.

Dream Stats

  • Total Dreams: 89
  • Lucid Dreams: 10 (11%)
  • Regular Dreams: 79 (89%)
  • Nights with Recall: 27/30 (90%)
  • Nights with any Lucidity: 5/30 (17%)
  • Average Recall Per Night: 3
  • Highest Dreams in One Night: 6
  • Average Sleep Duration: 8h:43m
  • 2020 Average Dreams Per Month: 85
  • 2020 Average Lucid Dreams Per Month: 11


All-Time Total


As of November 30, 2020
Since June 7, 2018

November Total


October - 96
September - 75

November Regular


October - 86
September - 65

November Lucid (11%)


October - 10
September - 10



November Dreams

October Dream Summary

Here we are again, at the end of another busy and eventful dreaming month! September continued my streak of reaching ten lucid dreams per month for the third month in a row! Must be some luck with the number ten! It’s be a stressful month… summer… year, but we’re all managing. My practice has been relatively inconsistent throughout the year which has been expected. I’m seeing more lucid dreams from supplements this year, but I’m also not putting enough of the work for them to be more naturally occurring. Despite the ups and downs, I still find myself judging myself when I rely too heavily on boosts to achieve lucidity. Nonetheless, I’m looking forward to a potential release of the lingering anxiety in the next few days. We shall see. 🤞

Dream Stats

  • Total Dreams: 96
  • Lucid Dreams: 10 (10%)
  • Regular Dreams: 86 (90%)
  • Nights with Recall: 28/31 (90%)
  • Nights with any Lucidity: 4/31 (13%)
  • Average Recall Per Night: 03
  • Highest Dreams in One Night: 9
  • Average Sleep Duration: 8h:19m
  • 2020 Average Dreams Per Month: 85
  • 2020 Average Lucid Dreams Per Month: 11


All-Time Total


As of October 31, 2020
Since June 7, 2018

October Total


September - 75
August - 96

October Regular


September - 65
August - 86

October Lucid (10%)


September - 10
August - 10



October Dreams

September Dream Summary

Perhaps it goes without saying, I am eager to move into October and fly by through November. There’s so much going on in the world, I’ve just been focusing on rest and replenishment. The chaos is echoed through work, covid, civic unrest, and the state of politics in the US. I am forever grateful for everything I do have during these times… especially dreams! Here’s how September went for me… a bit late.

Dream Stats

  • Total Dreams: 75
  • Lucid Dreams: 10 (13%)
  • Regular Dreams: 65 (89%)
  • Nights with Recall: 27/30 (90%)
  • Nights with any Lucidity: 3/30 (10%)
  • Average Recall Per Night: 03
  • Highest Dreams in One Night: 9 (Galantamine!)
  • Average Sleep Duration: 8h:36m
  • 2020 Average Dreams Per Month: 84
  • 2020 Average Lucid Dreams Per Month: 11


All-Time Total


As of September 30, 2020
Since June 7, 2018

September Total


August - 96
July - 81

September Regular


August - 86
July - 72

September Lucid (13%)


August - 10
July - 09



September Dreams

August Dream Summary

How is it already September? What a time void this week, month, year has been. As always, a new month means it's time to reflect on some stats!⁠ August! Another busy month filled with stress and obligations. Another month with less attention on my dream practice. And always, that's perfectly okay. Here's how August went for me:

Dream Stats

  • Total Dreams: 96
  • Lucid Dreams: 10 (11%)
  • Regular Dreams: 86 (89%)
  • Nights with Recall: 28/31 (90%)
  • Nights with any Lucidity: 5/31 (16%)
  • Average Recall Per Night: 03
  • Highest Dreams in One Night: 13 (Galantamine!)
  • Average Sleep Duration: 8h:44m
  • 2020 Average Dreams Per Month: 85
  • 2020 Average Lucid Dreams Per Month: 11


All-Time Total


As of August 31, 2020
Since June 7, 2018

August Total


July - 81
June - 81

August Regular


July - 72
June - 74

August Lucid


July - 09
June - 07



August Dreams

July Dream Summary

It's August first, and that means it's time for dreaming stats! My favorite part of the month. As we roll into August, I'm easing into a new flow with the world these days. I'm getting used to the "routine," staying safe, and prioritizing sleep. Now, let's look back on July. What a month! Lots of obligations took center stage with less attention on my dream practice. These kinds of ebbs and flows are a natural part of life and the lucid/dreaming journey. Power through, it's natural. So with that in mind, here's how July went for me:

Dream Stats

  • Total Dreams: 81
  • Lucid Dreams: 09 (11%)
  • Regular Dreams: 72 (89%)
  • Nights with Recall: 30/31 (97%)
  • Nights with any Lucidity: 5/31 (16%)
  • Average Recall Per Night: 03
  • Highest Dreams in One Night: 08
  • Average Sleep Duration: 8h:56m
  • 2020 Average Dreams Per Month: 84
  • 2020 Average Lucid Dreams Per Month: 11


All-Time Total


As of July 31, 2020
Since June 7, 2018

July Total


June - 81
May - 103

July Regular


June - 74
May - 86

July Lucid


June - 07
May - 17



July Dreams

June Dream Summary

Here we are, another month in 2020 sealed in the record books. We're half-way through the year! While the whirlwind of this crazy time period continues, I'm as busy as ever with exciting sleep and dream projects that I'm eager to share soon.

I am also thrilled to say that my massive data-tracking dream spreadsheet turned two years old on June 7th! That's huge! I've learned so much from my trends and patterns with this rigorous focus on measurement. Using a spreadsheet approach has turbo-boosted my consistent success and is my ideal companion to the daily practices that make sleep health and lucid dreaming a habit.

And yes, the data in incredible, but it's really about the intensely positive and meaningful changes to the way I approach everyday life that has been the most profound evolution of the last two years. After all, the main goal in having a dream practice is to live brighter and make a positive impact on yourself and on others. I'm so proud of how far I've come.

Quick Stats

  • Total Dreams: 81
  • Lucid Dreams: 07 (09%)
  • Regular Dreams: 74 (91%)
  • Nights with Recall: 29 (97%)
  • Nights with any Lucidity: 03 (10%)
  • Average Recall Per Night: 03
  • Highest Dreams in One Night: 07
  • Average Sleep Duration: 8h:41m
  • 2020 Average Dreams Per Month: 89
  • 2020 Average Lucid Dreams Per Month: 15


All-Time Total


As of June 30, 2020
Since June 7, 2018

June Total


May - 103
April - 94

June Regular


May - 86
April - 78

June Lucid


May - 17 (17%)
April - 16 (17%)



June Dreams

May Dream Summary

Another month in this crazy year we're living. In the beginning of May, I celebrated my birthday and my 2,000th dream! At the end May, much of the world is experiencing some chaos, so it seems. Not much more to stay right now other than that I’m wishing you healing and hope in June. ✨

Quick Stats

  • Total Dreams: 103
  • Lucid Dreams: 17 (17%)
  • Regular Dreams: 86 (83%)
  • Nights with Recall: 30 (97%)
  • Nights with any Lucidity: 11 (35%)
  • Average Recall Per Night: 03
  • Highest Dreams in One Night: 07
  • Average Sleep Duration: 8h:55m
  • 2020 Average Dreams Per Month: 85
  • 2020 Average Lucid Dreams Per Month: 12



All-Time Total
As of May 31, 2020
Since June 7, 2018


May Total
April - 94
March - 82


May Regular
April - 78
March - 69


May Lucid (17%)
April - 16 (17%)
March - 13 (16%)



May Dreams

April Dream Summary

April, of course, marked another 30 days of shelter in place with plenty of opportunities to look inward, to practice mindfulness, and to get great sleep. Yet that hasn't always happened! I've been getting into the pandemic habits of mindless scrolling, social media junking, and going to bed later and later.⁠.. AND THAT'S OK.⁠

Onward! I'm totally cool with whatever I feel like - I'm on some days and off others. Yet, one thing that will always be true: I'm over here recording dreams and stats each and every night. Happy May! ✨⁠

Quick Stats:

  • Total Dreams: 94⁠
  • Lucid Dreams: 16 (17%)⁠
  • Regular Dreams: 78 (83%)⁠
  • Nights with Recall: 30 (100%)⁠
  • Nights with Any Lucidity: 07 (23%)⁠
  • Average Recall Per Night: 03
  • Highest Dreams in One Night: 07⁠
  • Average Sleep Duration: 8:29⁠
  • 2020 Average Dreams Per Month: 80⁠
  • 2020 Average Lucid Dreams Per Month: 11⁠



All-Time Total
As of April 30, 2020
Since June 7, 2018


April Total
March - 82
February - 55


April Regular
March - 69
February - 50


April Lucid (17%)
March - 13 (16%)
February - 5 (9%)



April Dreams

March Dream Summary

Honestly, I would have guessed my lucid dream count would have been higher this month considering March was like 50 years long. I had two coronavirus dreams: One where the virus was a literal purple bug that I helped squash in my bathroom to save the world, and another one where people were building backyard hospitals for COVID-19 visits. Like Tiger King but for coronavirus. 🦠

But anyway, here's what bonkers March looked like for me in terms of dreams. Generally lower overall because I haven't been sleeping as well along with the rest of the planet. But yet still, onward. Happy April! ✨

Quick Stats

  • Total Dreams: 82

  • Lucid Dreams: 13 (16%)

  • Regular Dreams: 69 (84%)

  • Nights with Recall: 23 (74%)

  • Nights with any Lucidity: 6 (19%)

  • Average recall per night: 3




All-Time Total
As of March 31, 2020
Since June 7, 2018


March Total
February - 55
January - 89


March Regular
February - 50
January - 78


March Lucid (16%)
February - 5 (9%)
January - 12 (18%)



March Dreams

February Dream Summary

Well, damn. What kind of crazy year is this?! I'm super late with sharing monthly dream stats (and other posts!) as I've been... we've all been... distracted. But let's get back into it!⁠ Most of my February was dictated by incredible travels to Antarctica. I absolutely loved it! (you can check out @aquinnm for photos). And then when I got home in March, it was dictated by... well, you know.⁠

So... dreaming out in the world, on a ship, with a busy schedule, was certainly different. Naturally, I experienced much lower dream recall (lots of long flights and early mornings), and therefore less lucidity. As expected!⁠ But all the usual suspects still came into play: some recurring themes, many Antarctic-specific dreams, low level lucid dreams, and a bunch in between. Luckily, I had very few work-related dreams while away - a lovely indication of letting go.⁠

So here's what February looked like for me. It will be very interesting to show you March, it's been wild. Onward. ✨⁠




All-Time Total
As of February 29, 2020
Since June 7, 2018


February Total
January - 89
December - 79


February Regular
January - 78
December - 68


February Lucid (9%)
January - 12 (18%)
December - 11 (14%)



February Dreams

January Dream Summary

I don’t know about you, but 2020 started out rough for me. From travel snafus, to missed meetings and appointments, to cultural tragedy, and generally packed schedules and lack of rest, January has been throwing some punches that I just wasn’t expecting. Now that we’re kicking-off February, I hoping we can really take off with more focus, renewed spirit, and brighter energy. I have a big trip coming up mid February and I’m looking forward to some quite time of contemplation and scenic beauty.

During the last week of the month, I decided to take a break from all things dream. It was an emotionally charged week that left me distracted daily. It seemed like the right time to close up shop and let some dreams go. I took a break from my posting schedule and am delayed in sharing weekly dreams. And all of that is ok. Balance is a critical part of a happy life, even in working with dreams.

Onward. ✨




All-Time Total
As of January 31, 2020
Since June 7, 2018


January Total
December - 79
November - 93


January Regular
December - 68
November - 73


January Lucid (12%)
December - 11 (14%)
November - 20 (22%)



January Dreams

December Dream Summary

I can't believe it's already 2020! December flew by with lots of celebrations, travel, and of course - dreams! When I went to review my data for the month, I was surprised by how low my total dream count was. I'm usually up in the 90s for dream recall per month, so to hit the 70s was strange - I thought for sure it was higher. Nonetheless, I had some incredible experiences in December! Several dreams through the cosmos (my favorite!), lots of silly micro-moments, and plenty of healing and release. I'm looking forward to auditing my entire year and bringing in more complex matrics for you all to see! In the meantime, here are the usual basic stats for the month.



All-Time Total
As of December 31, 2019
Since June 7, 2018


December Total
November - 93
October - 88


December Regular
November - 73
October - 80


December Lucid (22%)
November - 20 (22%)
October - 8 (9%)



November Dream Summary

In November, I recorded 93 total dreams, 73 of which were regular (or non-lucid) and 20 were lucid dreams.⁠ That amounts to 22% lucidity this month. ⁠ My November total number is about average per month (when I am practicing and not traveling), though my lucid total is higher than average (average is about 18%). I attribute this spike to my two dream workshops (one with Andrew Holecek and the other with Robert Moss) where I took a supplement (Galantamine) to boost lucidity. ⁠I keep an extensive dream spreadsheet that tracks 86 different dreamy metrics. I like to see where I can find patterns and better understand how I sleep, dream and how I can become lucid more often. I love the data!⁠ I'm so excited to share full 2019 data and learnings with you!



All-Time Total
As of November 30, 2019
Since June 7, 2018


November Total
October - 88
September - 70


November Regular
October - 80
September - 64


November Lucid (22%)
October - 8 (9%)
September - 8 (11%)



October Dream Summary

I keep extensive dream spreadsheets that track 85 different dreamy metrics. I like to see where I can find patterns and better understand how I dream and how I can become lucid more often. I love the data!⁠ ⁠ I also love to do little reports for myself each month. In October, I recorded 88 total dreams, 80 of which were regular (or non-lucid) and 8 were lucid dreams.⁠ ⁠ That's down from my average per month (on average about 18% of my dreams are lucid). I attribute this dip in lucid goodness to getting lazy with the practices and feeling stressed out at work. Stress and laziness are dream killers!⁠ ⁠ As always, practice makes perfect. When I practice more and pay attention more, I have more lucid dreams. You can too!⁠



All-Time Total
As of October 31, 2019
Since June 7, 2018


October Total
September - 70
August - 81


October Regular
September - 64
August - 70


October Lucid (9%)
September - 8 (11%)
August - 11 (14%)



September Dream Summary

September was a whirlwind! Between the Netflix show launching, getting this little dream endeavor off the ground, and a busier-than-usual work month with my day job, I packed in waaaaay too much. I broke my first rule: prioritize great sleep! Which means, of course, my dreaming adventures were all over the place, broken, and scattered. I could barely remember tiny details, and I only inched out a few lucid experiences. I was tired. And not my best self.

So here we are, at the end of a blitzy month, culminating in a lackluster dreaming week. For the first time since I started this project last year, I did not have any lucid dreams the last week of September. My gut reaction Monday morning was pretty self-deprecating, "This is never going to happen again! It's over! I've lost it!"

What a ridiculous sentiment.

I had to remember my own wisdom. Lucid dreaming is a skill, and sometimes there will be downtimes. It takes a long time to get any good. But with balance and practice, it happens more frequently and at a higher quality. And sometimes, it doesn't go to plan.

So, don't give up if you're still trying! I will remember to do the same.



All-Time Total
As of September 30, 2019
Since June 7, 2018


September Total
August - 81
July - 92


September Regular
August - 70
July - 76


September Lucid (11%)
August - 11 (14%)
July - 16 (18%)