Night Farm, Universe Paint

Photo by Cody Nottingham

Dream of the Week: Night Farm, Universe Paint

Quick Setup: This dream begins far before my moment of lucidity and had taken many strange turns before arriving at the starting point below. For brevity and clarity, I’m just including the starting point of lucidity to the end. This dream also demonstrates how you can experience a dark and twisted world (borderline nightmare) even while lucid, and sometimes those experiences are the ones that stick to you the most.

I am running as fast as I can from the the back of the house with yellow blanket in my hands. I throw it on a sofa while dodging furniture and jumping over household obstacles. As I’m running, I wonder what the heck I’m doing… It occurs to me that this might just be a dream. I stop running, slowly walk out of the front door and onto a porch of what I know understand to be a farmhouse. It’s nighttime and there’s open farmland in front of me and a barn or stable kind of building nearby. I leap up and out toward the night sky from the porch to see if I can fly. I catch just the right amount of air to confirm that this is, intact, a dream! ⚡️

I land back down in a field of yellow and green grasses. I want to fly up to stars and lift off in flight toward the black sky again, hoping to get into space. Ever so faintly, I see a tiny cluster of stars and nebula that I’m approaching, but I eventually pass it. I always stays a tiny cluster in an otherwise black and starless sky. I decide to stop trying to get to space, hover for a moment, and do a back dive down to the farm. For a brief moment, I feel a super accurate sensation of zero gravity at the drop point. It’s so real! I free fall for a few moments and land back again in the same fields by the farmhouse.

I walk toward a stable-like building and it has a wide glass window with a glass table beneath the window on the outside. I stand in front of the table and window and recall one of my creative goals to “paint my hands” with “universe paint” hoping the stars and galaxies will then show up on my hands. I use my fingers as paint brushes and paint around palms. Though my hands remain unchanged, the glass in the window fills with darkness, then stars, and then nebula and galaxies as if projecting the “universe paint” before me on a display. The glass table below does the same, while also displaying the number five and parts of a quote that I can’t recall. I keep “painting” my palms and start to feel hot and tingly like electricity. A ball of light breaks away from the window and onto the table which I catch and swirl between my palms. The window and table are still displaying the “universe” with random text, though more actively animated. I rub my neck and shoulders with the ball of light because they have been sore in life and I think it might be helpful. I then call out to the night sky, “I call forth my highest dreams!” Nothing seems to happen.

Then, suddenly, a dark figure of a girl breaks through the window from the inside and crawls out toward me very much like the movie, The Ring. I am freaking out and think that I’d like to wake up now. I run away from the window and stop. I realize I should probably go back and face whatever that is. I turn around and slowly walk toward the window again.

By now, a few more figures have come into the scene. One is another girl crawling in the distance by the farmhouse. She is on her hands and knees vomiting profusely. Another is a man in his 30s or so standing by the wide glass window holding himself up, also vomiting yellow and green liquids profusely. It’s disgusting. I very hesitantly move forward toward him thinking The Ring girl is still inside and going to come out at me. Thankfully when I get close, she is gone, but the man can’t stop vomiting. I place my hand on his shoulder and say hello as if to indicate that I’m here to help. He turns his head away from me, continuing to throw up away from me seemingly both embarrassed and confused by who I am. I wake up.

Note: Lucid Nightmares can be fascinating! Face it, no matter how scary. Do you have experiences with dark lucidity?


Weekly Stats:

26 Total, 5 Lucid

  • 💭 1,192 - Basketball Exclusion
  • 💭 1,193 - Camper Van Directions
  • 💭 1,194 - Heated Cast Commute
  • 💭 1,195 - Award Ceremony Snub (Nap)
  • 💭 1,196 - Street Corner Catch-up
  • 💭 1,197 - Dinner Date Contest
  • 🕷 1,198 - Teen Horror Game
  • 💭 1,199 - Grocery Church Mashup
  • 💭 1,200 - Dress Rehearsal
  • ⚡️ 1,201 - Night Farm, Universe Paint
  • 🤣 1,202 - Julia & Sundar
  • ⚡️ 1,203 - Tunnel Puddle Jumping
  • ⚡️ 1,204 - Newspaper Comics
  • 💭 1,205 - Confused at the Mall
  • 💭 1,206 - Bird of Paradise Rescue
  • ⏱ 1,207 - In Pencil - False Keywords
  • 💭 1,208 - Pink Moon
  • 💭 1,209 - Fighter Crash Conspiracy
  • ⚡️ 1,210 - Pool Behind the Books
  • 💭 1,211 - Open Your Home
  • 💭 1,212 - Agree to Help
  • 💭 1,213 - Riverside Hurricane
  • 💭 1,214 - Antarctica Orientation
  • 💭 1,215 - Hurricane Yacht
  • 💭 1,216 - Bored Wives
  • ⚡️ 1,217 - Lucid False Keywords

⚡️Lucid, ⏱Recurring, 🤣Silly, 🕷Nightmare