Sending Hot Air Balloons

Dream of the Week: Sending Hot Air Balloons

⚡️I grab hold of a yellow and white lemon that seems to thrust me into a Waking Induced Lucid Dream (WILD) with the lemon as an anchor. I'm now in a bright living room that's hazy and still forming. I focus on the lemon and ask the dream to stabilize. I fly forward above two white couches toward a TV. The scene changes into a sort of high school hallway, but not quite. I recall my intent to send hot air balloons to my dream class in real life.

I pick up my hand to my face as if to blow a kiss and say, "send a hot air balloon to Kristen!" A small, gossamer, smokey, particle-like, hologramy hot air balloon appears in my palm! I am delighted and blow it away imagining it heading to Kristen. A few people come into the scene and I get distracted from my task and start talking to them. With another student, I walk up a set a stairs that lead to nowhere. At the top of the stairs, I remember my task again and say, "send a hot air balloon to Jason!" The smoke balloon appears again in my palm, and I blow it away to him.

I seem to go through the ceiling at the top of the stairs and now I'm the high school cafeteria. I am again distracted by the dream and approach a woman I seem to know sitting on a round cafeteria table. She calls me "Laird" and is excited to see me, it seems as though it's been a long time since we've seen each other. I seem to know that I'm not Laird but also accept it.

I leave her to talk to the "pizza guy" who is sitting crouched on the floor. On my way over to him I remember my task and say, "send a hot air balloon to Maureen!" The smoke balloon and appears and I blow it to her. I quickly follow-up with "send a hot air balloon to Mayra!" And the same balloon appears and I blow it away to Mayra. I crouch down next to the "pizza guy" who seems to be called that because he works at the pizza station in the cafeteria. He is upset for some reason and I am trying to comfort him.

We talk for a moment, and then he transforms into a man literally made of pizza, still sitting on the floor. I’m not sure what to make of him now, so I get up and leave him be. I continue walking around the cafeteria. I know I have one more hot air balloon to send, but I get distracted when Will Farrell comes up to me.

He's looking kind of wacky and asks me to come with him. We are then floating in the air horizontally (as if lying on the ground) having a casual conversation. He's trying to help me focus on avoiding getting distracted in a comical, yet teacher-like way. He seems to know that I don't want to be distracted right now, yet I continue to get distracted, even by him.

I wake up, excited that I was able to send the balloons.

Quick Reflection:

I’ve mentioned before that I like to focus deeper intent on a full moon, which happened last week on Friday the 19th. The bright light of a big, meaty moon often leads to people waking up more and recalling more dreams. I love it! To me, the full moon is an amazing anchor to bring focus into specific dream goals.

With my dream group under Kristen LaMarca, we all decided that we would set a shared “dreaming sending” intention on the 19th. In our experiment, I was to dream of hot air balloons and attempt to “send” classmates hot air balloons in their dreams. None of them knew the intended subject as the idea was to share their dream reports to see if anyone got a “hit” of a hot air balloon. The result? Nobody else dreamt of hot air balloons when we got together again, but it’s super fun to think about!

It’s worth noting that I also used Galantamine on both Friday and Saturday night in order to boost my chances of dreaming of a specific subject - which worked! Those dreams are marked with an asterisk.*

Weekly Stats: 23 Dreams (8 Lucid)

  • 💭 0966 - Floral Desk Design
  • 💭 0967 - Mountain Dream Retreat
  • 💭 0968 - Live Stream
  • ⚡️ 0969 - The Streets are Off
  • 💭 0970 - Rolling Earthquake
  • 💭 0971 - Wizard Shoot Out
  • 💭 0972 - The Art Restorer
  • 💭 0973 - Amusement Vacation
  • 💭 0974 - Fleeting Snapshots
  • 💭 0975 - Dream Stage Coach
  • ⚡️ 0976 - Dream Dipping, Hot Air Balloon*
  • ⚡️ 0977 - Lady Party*
  • ⚡️ 0978 - Strange Guests at a Strange Bar*
  • 💭 0979 - Red Morning Earthquake*
  • 💭 0981 - New Twitter Platform*
  • ⚡️ 0982 - Sending Hot Air Balloons*
  • 💭 0983 - Sued by Google*
  • ⚡️ 0984 - Dance Party, Space Dragons*
  • 💭 0985 - Swarm Record*
  • ⚡️ 0986 - Intelligent Life*
  • ⚡️ 0987 - 99 Rooms*
  • 💭 0988 - Jake Gyllenhaal - False Keywords*
  • 💭 0989 - Spy Family in Morocco*

⚡️Lucid, ⏱Recurring