Forest Neighborhood

Dream of the Week: Forest Neighborhood

I have been “away” from posting my usual Dream of the Week since I returned from Antarctica - the very beginning of North America’s coronavirus toll. Like many of you, I have also been trying to make sense of this temporary normal and haven’t quite found a regular groove. But that's ok! I forgive myself.  

As the weeks go on, I find comfort in getting into those habits! And so here we go again. Dream of the Week back on track! I'm dreaming more than ever (I'm sure many of you are well), so there's lots of dreams to choose from - not to mention many many many more from the past.  

So, let's do this! 

April 19, 2020
Dream #1,950
Glass House in the Forest

I’m in a beautiful glass house in the middle of a forest that I absolutely love. It’s not my house; I seem to be house-sitting for the owners who are out of town. The furniture and decor have a very antique vibe to it that is not my current taste, but I'm into the eclectic nature of it all.

I tend to the house, walking to each room, and making sure everything is in order. I open cabinets and adjust furniture throughout thinking about how I'd really love to own this house. I head down a long, beautiful corridor with plants and windows that reminds me of a nature conservatory. I then walk out the door into the forest "neighborhood."

There are several different kinds of buildings hidden amongst the trees in this secret, protected place. I go to a central building that serves as a large shopping center with a food court and other retail stores. It has a bustling train station feel to it, with a glass roof and the forest above.

Once inside, I slide across the marble floors with my socks, delightfully gaining momentum and eventually crash-stopping at a cafe on the other side of the main hall. It’s such fun! I think I should do that kind of thing more often back home. 

The scene shifts, and I'm back outside the forest neighborhood walking through a small pathway behind the central building. I’m trying to walk back to the original house, but I am having trouble finding my way. I'm lost, but I think to myself that it's impossible to get lost here - everything is so close!

It occurs to me that I might be dreaming, and I let out a giggle and an audible, "Of course, I'm dreaming!" ⚡️

Now lucid, I simply take in my surroundings and think about what I want to do. I remember the small pleasures in changing objects, so I pick up some small gray stones by feet on the path. I plan to throw the stones and intend for them to turn into strawberries when they hit the ground. I close my eyes and throw the stones, but most of them hit the ground and remain stones.

I sprint over to the pile and can see that some of them, in fact, have turned to strawberries! The sight of these red berries genuinely overjoys me! I take a bite of them, and they are the best tasting strawberries I've ever had! I eat the rest of them with overwhelming glee. I'm so so happy. 🍓

I look up and notice a lamp post in front of me. There’s a little compartment at the bottom of the post meant for electrical wires. I think to myself that I want a cupcake to appear in the compartment, so I close my eyes and visualize a cupcake. When I open my eyes, a tiny chocolate cupcake appears in there! I am again overjoyed and eat the delicious chocolate sweet treat. I can’t believe how real it seems and how amazing it tastes! What joy! 🧁

After eating the strawberries and cupcakes, I follow the path up to a road and wake up.

ProTip: Changing objects in a dream is a great way to practice your lucid dreaming skills! Even better if you can change objects into delicious treats!


Weekly Stats:

28 Total, 02 Lucid

  • 💭 1,936 - School Dance
  • 💭 1,937 - Night Spa
  • 💭 1,938 - Airbnb Sunset
  • 💭 1,939 - Silver Paper Building Assault
  • 💭 1,940 - Precinct Drama
  • 💭 1,941 - Dawn at the Lady House
  • 💭 1,942 - Plea for Play Director
  • ⚡️ 1,943 - Objects through Walls
  • 💭 1,944 - The Lake by my High School
  • 👏 1,945 - Abundance Visualization
  • 💭 1,946 - Really Easy to Solve
  • 💭 1,947 - Getting Back to Philly
  • 🤣 1,948 - Dog and Chicken Friends
  • 🤣 1,949 - Facebook Poem
  • ⚡️ 1,950 - Forest Neighborhood 🔥
  • 🤣 1,951 - Felix the Cat Factory
  • 💭 1,952 - Packing Before Check-Out
  • 🦠 1,953 - Pandemic Dream Retreat
  • 💭 1,954 - Can You See the Sky is Falling?
  • 💭 1,955 - Ice Ocean Cafe
  • 💭 1,956 - Changing Seats at Intermission
  • 💭 1,957 - Korean Dinner Notes
  • 💭 1,958 - Holiday Inn Office Marathon
  • 💭 1,959 - Fitting Rooms
  • 💭 1,960 - Plans for the Night
  • 💭 1,961 - Hotel Hideout
  • 👏 1,962 - Great Presentation Through Failures
  • ⏱ 1,963 - Been Back to School So Many Times

⚡️Lucid, 🔥Favorite, ⏱Recurring, 🤣Silly, 👏Great One, 🦠Covid

March Dream Summary

Honestly, I would have guessed my lucid dream count would have been higher this month considering March was like 50 years long. I had two coronavirus dreams: One where the virus was a literal purple bug that I helped squash in my bathroom to save the world, and another one where people were building backyard hospitals for COVID-19 visits. Like Tiger King but for coronavirus. 🦠

But anyway, here's what bonkers March looked like for me in terms of dreams. Generally lower overall because I haven't been sleeping as well along with the rest of the planet. But yet still, onward. Happy April! ✨

Quick Stats

  • Total Dreams: 82

  • Lucid Dreams: 13 (16%)

  • Regular Dreams: 69 (84%)

  • Nights with Recall: 23 (74%)

  • Nights with any Lucidity: 6 (19%)

  • Average recall per night: 3




All-Time Total
As of March 31, 2020
Since June 7, 2018


March Total
February - 55
January - 89


March Regular
February - 50
January - 78


March Lucid (16%)
February - 5 (9%)
January - 12 (18%)



March Dreams

February Dream Summary

Well, damn. What kind of crazy year is this?! I'm super late with sharing monthly dream stats (and other posts!) as I've been... we've all been... distracted. But let's get back into it!⁠ Most of my February was dictated by incredible travels to Antarctica. I absolutely loved it! (you can check out @aquinnm for photos). And then when I got home in March, it was dictated by... well, you know.⁠

So... dreaming out in the world, on a ship, with a busy schedule, was certainly different. Naturally, I experienced much lower dream recall (lots of long flights and early mornings), and therefore less lucidity. As expected!⁠ But all the usual suspects still came into play: some recurring themes, many Antarctic-specific dreams, low level lucid dreams, and a bunch in between. Luckily, I had very few work-related dreams while away - a lovely indication of letting go.⁠

So here's what February looked like for me. It will be very interesting to show you March, it's been wild. Onward. ✨⁠




All-Time Total
As of February 29, 2020
Since June 7, 2018


February Total
January - 89
December - 79


February Regular
January - 78
December - 68


February Lucid (9%)
January - 12 (18%)
December - 11 (14%)



February Dreams

I’m headed to Antarctica!

Image by me, Allison McCarthy

Image by me, Allison McCarthy

I’m off for an epic adventure of icy dreams!

I'm headed on a big trip to the bottom of the world! For two weeks starting February 17th to March 3rd, I'm making my way south… very south… to Antarctica! I'm excited to get out there and practice my other love: Photography - particularly of water and ice! And of course, I look forward to seeing how sailing throughout the Antarctica peninsula will impact my sleep and dreams. You can follow along on Instagram, I’ll be posting when I can on my other account: @aquinnm.

I expect some early mornings, so dream time will be cut shorter… and there's always the jet lag problem that might lead to strange dream time patterns - we'll see! In any case, I will be delayed in publishing my usual Dreams Last Week over the next two weeks… and a little bit afterward while I get myself caught up again. I won't be able to dedicate as much time as I usually do to dream recording, so it will take some time to gather up the best material when I'm back.

Until then! 👋

Pre-Vacation Stats: 14 Dreams (01 Lucid)

  • 🎨 1,761 - Paper Mask Love Story
  • 💭 1,762 - Assigned Seat Argument
  • 💭 1,763 - Spa Conveyer Belt
  • 🤣1,764 - Dopey Shoes
  • 🎨 1,765 - Mouse Click Fish Tank
  • ⚡️ 1,766 - Healing Queue at the Cinema
  • 😥 1,767 - Never Talk to Me Again!
  • 💭 1,768 - Golden Light Bedroom
  • 💭 1,769 - Bathroom Curtain
  • 💭 1,770 - Rocking the House Boat
  • 💭 1,771 - Impressive Colleague
  • 💭 1,772 - Watching Titanic
  • 💭 1,773 - Airport Gate to Puerto Rico
  • 🤣 1,774 - Pink Font in Your Email

⚡️Lucid, 🤣Silly, 🎨Creative, 😥Sad


Higher Self Simulation

Image by Akshay Nanavati

Image by Akshay Nanavati

Dream of the Week: Higher Self Simulation

Stress is no joke! I had a particularly challenging week at work which absolutely effected my sleep and dreams. This week marked the lowest volume of dreams recalled and a rare no lucid dream week due to lots of restless nights before deadlines and presentations.

The critical importance of great sleep really came to the forefront for me, especially when I didn't get it. It's not always possible to get quality sleep for many reasons, but whenever and wherever possible, it's so important to prioritize. I deeply felt that lesson this week.

So! Let's go into the archives again this week to share a great dream of a more restful time.

January 20, 2019
Dream #0666
Higher Self Simulation

⚡️Already lucid, I find myself in a strange room that resembles a classroom, a science lab, and a closet with a yellow/green checkered vinyl floor. The dream is hazy, so I rub my hands together to stabilize the scene which works well. I easily recall my intention and goals that I set for the night and I shout out into the air, "Show me my higher self!"

A cyan-colored wall appears that is textured like a slimy membrane with a darker blue digital pattern all over it. The membrane wall is slightly pulsing and subtly moving as if alive. Yes!!! I'm elated. I instinctively know that I must pass through the membrane and I easily walk through it.

Inside, the environment looks like a computer-generated simulation. It's totally black with long rows of a digital mesh or tiny grid layers illuminated in red and some blue light giving a Tron-like vibe.

I'm so curious as to what this place is and why this would represent my higher self. As this thought crosses my mind, a blue digital simulated figure appears in the distance. I call out to it without words and start running toward it hoping to ask it questions. The figure appears to see me coming toward it and runs away, disappearing deep between the mesh layers.

For a moment longer, I stand there in the black, red, and blue digital world feeling a bit unsatisfied but intensely curious and fascinated by what went down. The dream continues uneventfully from there and I wake up with a sense of awesome bewilderment.

ProTip: Stress is so hard on the body, mind, and soul. Be kind to yourself during periods of stress and priortize sleep as much as you are able.


Weekly Stats:

11 Total, 0 Lucid

  • 💭 1,750 - In the Green Room
  • 💭 1,751 - Exposed Lavatory
  • 💭 1,752 - Late to Work and Trapped
  • 💭 1,753 - Leaving for Paris
  • 💭 1,754 - Explore the Hotel Pool
  • 💭 1,755 - You're Doing Everything Wrong
  • 💭 1,756 - Microphone Setup
  • 💭 1,757 - You Can Stay the Night
  • 💭 1,758 - Dreamers on a "Trip"
  • 💭 1,759 - Landlord Bribe in the Storm
  • 💭 1,760 - The Boss's Swanky House

Show me my higher self!
— Dream #0666

Cosmic City


Dream of the Week: Cosmic City

I took a little dreaming break last week, with very few intentions and limited active practice. Every now and then I like to close up shop and let some dreams go. Aside from the general benefits of not trying to “achieve” anything, I re-learned an important, simple lesson.

Without practice and intention, there are fewer dreams and less awareness. It’s so important to have balance, so taking a step back during a stressful, emotional week was just what I needed. No judgment, just balance. In honor of this week’s “letting go”, I’m highlighting an experience from last year as this week’s dream.

January 19, 2019
Dream #0663
Cosmic City

II'm lying in bed in meditation counting my breaths and observing the hypnogogic imagery swirling behind my eyelids. Suddenly, dark purple colors explode in my vision, rapidly morphing and changing shape. Moments later, I am pulled into a fully realized dream bedroom unlike my own, floating up from the bed and then standing beside it, fully lucid.⚡️

It's the middle of the night and everything shrouded in darkness, but my eyes have adjusted to the lack of light. I look at my hand to double-check that I'm dreaming and confirm the state with a strange wiggle of my abnormally long and wavy fingers.

I sense a lack of stability, so I rub my hands together which does seem to help provide clarity and strength. I also ask out loud for the dream to stabilize, with no notable difference. As a final push, I ask for the dream to turn on the lights, but nothing happens. I notice a tiny bit of light appearing just below my vision (where the edge of my sleep mask would be) and I wonder if the mask is slipping off my face while I sleep in my actual bed.

It's time to take note of this dream world and what's here to explore. The place is a large, artist-loft style bedroom with tall ceilings and oversized windows. The curtains are drawn closed. I'm curious about where I am and head to the windows to find out.

With no expectations or intentions, I rush to the windows and tear open the curtains revealing a majestic city skyline, unlike anything I've ever seen before. The room is high up, offering a view of rooftops and the entire city twinkling at night as far as the eye can see. The most extraordinary thing about this particular nightscape is the unbelievably dense cosmic sky so clearly visible even against the city lights.

The sky is overwhelmingly full of big pulsing stars, and whispy, colorful nebula all moving in beautiful, flowing orbits. It's as if this city is nestled on a planet that's much closer to or much denser in cosmic stuff. One star shines brighter than all the rest with a white glow so bright, I can barely look at it. It's quite distant and not like the light of the sun, but feels special. I'm stuck there, happily transfixed by the mesmerizing scene before me, getting lost in the details of the sky.

A chubby little chipmunk sitting on the window snaps me out of my awestruck stare and I yell at him for interrupting this beautiful moment. He tells me to watch my tone and I wake up.

ProTip: Take a break every now and then. A key ingredient to lasting consistency is balance. Let some dreams go.


Weekly Stats:

16 Total, 02 Lucid

  • 💭 1,734 - Conference Attendance
  • 💭 1,735 - Dinner Board Game
  • 💭 1,736 - Shy Speaker
  • 🤣 1,737 - Boxing Giraffe
  • 💭 1,738 - Leaning Building, Robot Couple
  • 💭 1,739 - Guests of the Designer
  • 💭 1,740 - Read the H.A.T. Poster
  • 🤣 1,741 - Escape the Christmas Store
  • 💭 1,742 - Double Retreat Weekend
  • 😥 1,743 - Helicopter Crash
  • 💭 1,744 - Change the Bylaws
  • 💭 1,745 - Silicon Valley Bus
  • ⚡️ 1,746 - Whimsy Behind the Safe
  • ⚡️ 1,747 - Black Lightning Eyes
  • 💭 1,748 - Building Collapse
  • 💭 1,749 - Welcome Home

⚡️Lucid, 🤣Silly

January Dream Summary

I don’t know about you, but 2020 started out rough for me. From travel snafus, to missed meetings and appointments, to cultural tragedy, and generally packed schedules and lack of rest, January has been throwing some punches that I just wasn’t expecting. Now that we’re kicking-off February, I hoping we can really take off with more focus, renewed spirit, and brighter energy. I have a big trip coming up mid February and I’m looking forward to some quite time of contemplation and scenic beauty.

During the last week of the month, I decided to take a break from all things dream. It was an emotionally charged week that left me distracted daily. It seemed like the right time to close up shop and let some dreams go. I took a break from my posting schedule and am delayed in sharing weekly dreams. And all of that is ok. Balance is a critical part of a happy life, even in working with dreams.

Onward. ✨




All-Time Total
As of January 31, 2020
Since June 7, 2018


January Total
December - 79
November - 93


January Regular
December - 68
November - 73


January Lucid (12%)
December - 11 (14%)
November - 20 (22%)



January Dreams

Meeting the Dream Maker

Image by Pascale Amez

Image by Pascale Amez

Dream of the Week: Meeting the Dream Maker

I'm walking along a city street at night with no one else around. It's eerie how quiet it is, but I keep moving with my head down. I stop at a corner and it's raining. It's *only* raining right here on this small sliver of the sidewalk. How unusual it is for the rain to be so narrowly focused? I ask myself, "Is this a dream?" Whoa, it is! ⚡️

Now lucid, I check my reality by attempting to put my hand through the abandoned store window next to me. The glass breaks and I can feel the cold, solid pieces of glass around my hand, but there's no pain. Now certain that I'm dreaming, I walk through the store wall, but I break it and everything inside. Whoops. I go back outside and a car is parked directly outside. The windows are up, but I can see someone sitting in the back seat. I think to stick my head through the window to talk to the person, but with my current track record, I go with my hand instead. I push my hand toward the glass and THUD... I hit my hand against the surface. It doesn't break and it doesn't pass through. What the heck?

The window rolls down and a woman in her twenties is there. Her gaze remains forward and she looks very annoyed. A friendlier man in the front seat (who I understand to be her brother) turns to the back and happily waves to me forward implying that I should go to the front passenger window to talk to him. I go to his window and he hands me a hand-written note that says, "Go visit the park, you're already there." I try a re-reading test and am surprised that the words on the note stay the same. I'm very excited to follow his direction. I wave goodbye and walk ahead repeating, "Go visit the park, you're already there" to myself over and over so that I remember it when I wake up.

Within moments, I reach the park and realize why he wanted me to come here. It's absolutely beautiful! It's night time, but somehow everything has a shining glow. The park is bursting with perfectly trimmed hedges, colorful flower bushes, magical trees with unusual green leaves and twinkling lights, and teeny blue butterflies hovering among strange orange fruits resembling the kumquat. I can't get over how unbelievably whimsical this place is and I break into song, randomly signing things that I see.

I fly up above the corner of the park, getting a birds-eye view, considering what to explore first. Surprisingly, I can't seem to fly forward. I make a few attempts to move ahead, unintentionally pushing myself upside down! I roll with it, hovering down beneath a tree examining the teeny butterflies in great detail. In the distance, I see a small apple tree within another tree and am utterly delighted!

Forgetting that I'm upside down, I fly toward it but fall to the ground. When I get back up, it's now daytime and I'm on a cement bridge in the center of the park looking down over a grassy knoll below. Still fully lucid, I decide it's time to talk to the dream itself. With that in mind, I shout up to the sky, "I wish to speak with the Dream Maker!" Nothing happens. I repeat this three more times, and each time, nothing happens.

I'm left disappointed and confused. Suddenly, an enormous figure enters the scene, as tall as the sky itself. He resembles a young version of Genghis Khan and looks down on my tiny self with a look of mild frustration as if he has been disrupted. (I'm probably the size of his hand). I look up at him in awe and he stands still for a moment of judgment.

He shrinks down to normal human size, with the same stern look on his face. I'm in such a shock, that I don't know what to say. I wish I had been more prepared with a question! So, I go in for a hug. He backs away and without words, communicates that an embrace is not an appropriate right now. He seems to communicate that I must not rush it and the dream becomes wildly unstable before it fades completely to black.

But, I don't wake up. I come back to the scene again and he is still looking over me. He continues to communicate that he is in control here and that I need to be slow. I dip in and out a few more times before waking up completely, surprised and unsure of what to make of it all. 😱

ProTip: Go into each night with an intention or question that you’d like to request of your dream. Have a few at the ready!


Weekly Stats:

22 Total, 01 Lucid

  • 💭 1,691 - Tropic Offsite Storm
  • 💭 1,692 - New Boss, Missed Caravan
  • 💭 1,693 - Confused at the Theme Park
  • 🎨 1,694 - The Architect's House
  • 💭 1,695 - Dreaming While Driving
  • 💭 1,696 - Vacuuming at 2:23 AM
  • 💭 1,697 - Stage Play After Party
  • 💭 1,698 - Mini Hotel Fire Companion
  • ⚡️ 1,699 - Meeting the Dream Maker 🔥
  • 😂 1,700 - Sarah's Cookie Party
  • 💭 1,701 - Awkward Client Meeting
  • 😂 1,702 - Swim Racing Tyrion
  • 👏 1,703 - Thank You for Loving Me
  • 🕷 1,704 - Backyard Kids
  • 💭 1,705 - Sleepover Bed
  • 🎨 1,706 - Elaborate Group Photo
  • 🎨 1,707 - Cambridge
  • 😂 1,708 - Lost my Pants
  • 🎨 1,709 - Movie with Connected Stories
  • 💭 1,710 - Why So Rude?
  • 💭 1,711 - Data Lookup Role
  • 💭 1,712 - Family Gathering Snafu

⚡️Lucid, 🔥 Favorite 🤣Silly, 🎨Creative, 🕷Nightmare 👏 Great One

Go to the park, you’re already there.
— Dream #1,699 The Dream Maker

Floating Above Town

Image by Ryan Warburton

Image by Ryan Warburton

Dream of the Week: Floating Above Town

It’s the middle of the night and I’m lying still, feeling the onset qualities of a Wake Initiated Lucid Dream (WILD). I feel as though I am being pulled up out of myself, and begin floating up out of the room without controlling the motion or trajectory. ⚡️

Lucid, I’m float-flying at a high speed, vertically positioned, and backward over a regular suburban town at a relatively low height. It appears to be autumn as the leaves are beautiful shades of gold and red. It’s such a delightful experience! I wonder where I’m heading, whizzing through the trees and over buildings, still at the control of something else. I manage to think “up and forward” and then go in that direction. 

Now moving ahead, I float above a high-security zone blocked off by big cement walls. I get the impression that it’s a military operation. I hover steadily here and watch below as women are running around outside, appearing as though to be mid-evacuation. I wonder what’s happening down there and if I should investigate by flying down there or explore something else. The dream fades.

ProTip: Have a plan or intention prior to going to sleep each night. Ask for a dream that reflects your intention. And let go when the dream wants to do something else.


Weekly Stats:

16 Total, 03 Lucid

  • 💭 1,675 - Ruined Their Wedding
  • 💭 1,676 - Drawing Help
  • 💭 1,677 - Getting Up at 5:30
  • ⚡️ 1,678 - Marble Eyes
  • 💭 1,679 - Earplugs Exposed
  • ⚡️ 1,680 - At the Edge of Town
  • ⏱ 1,681 - Jump to the Past
  • 💭 1,682 - Night Sail
  • 💭 1,683 - Save the Network!
  • 💭 1,684 - Forgotten Eggs Fight
  • ⚡️ 1,685 - Floating Above Town
  • 💭 1,686 - Old Fashioned Ice Box
  • 🤣 1,687 - Abandoned Toy Store Sleepover
  • 💭 1,688 - Spreadsheet Column Game
  • 💭 1,689 - Swimming Coach Crime Reenactment
  • ⏱ 1,690 - Red Bird Book Fight

⚡️Lucid, ⏱Recurring, 🤣Silly

Allison’s Friend

Image by Clarisse Meyer

Image by Clarisse Meyer

Dream of the Week: Allison’s Friend

I’m casually walking along a path outside. It’s dark out, but somehow feels like daytime. Things are just “off” enough that I realize that it’s all a dream!⚡

I approach a woman who looks kind but confused by my presence, so I go in for a hug. She squeezes me surprisingly tight and I’m delighted by her curious response. She  doesn't want it to end saying, "I've never had a hug before!" I ask her for her name to which she replies, "I've never had a name before! How about, Allison’s Friend!" I think this is absolutely delightful.

I keep walking with her when I encounter another group of people. We're all gathered up around each other talking about random things when a woman with authority comes over and declares, "Only the dreamers can stay." At that point, about half of the people disappear including the guy next to me who I seem to understand was in the middle of "coming into lucidity" but wasn't quite there yet, so he disappeared. 

Now, there are about four people in the group left. We're all excited to figure out where we're all from because we all believe we are actually real people living somewhere in the world. The woman across from me says she's from California and we pair up.

She tells me her name is Olinda or Linda or Lindy or something like that. I ask for her address and she tells me 408 Potomac. We walk away from the group trying to make plans to connect with each other, but I tell her we need some kind of code that we can say to each other if we find each other so that we can prove it. She says that if we find each other we’ll talk about grilled cheese sandwiches and chocolate. I wonder if she’s hungry.

We run into the original woman (Allison's Friend) who is now upset that I've paired off with someone else. She says to me, "you need to leave" and presses some buttons on an invisible contraption that I know is there but I can’t see. After she presses these buttons, the dream starts to fade but I try to concentrate hard on “staying” there. A moment passes and she looks over at me annoyed and says, "you're still here?!" and presses the button harder and with more conviction. I wake up.

Note: It’s fun to speculate around “shared dreaming” though it’s never been proven. I looked up anyone associated with 408 Potomac but couldn’t find anything. It’s super interesting to think about!


Weekly Stats:

22 Total, 03 Lucid

  • 💭 1,653 - City Pool Wedding
  • 💭 1,654 - Highway Driving
  • 💭 1,655 - Stories with Friends
  • 💭 1,656 - Staying
  • 💭 1,657 - Stocking Shelves
  • 🤣 1,658 - MKBHD and the New Dog
  • ⚡️ 1,659 - Lucid at the Party
  • 💭 1,660 - Junk Table
  • 💭 1,661 - Panicked in the House
  • 💭 1,662 - Is it all True?
  • 🤣 1,663 - Queen Centipede Dog
  • ⚡️ 1,664 - Confused Commands
  • 💭 1,665 - Childhood Fights
  • ⚡️ 1,666 - Allison's Friend
  • 💭 1,667 - Tense Workplace Boxing Signup
  • ⚡️ 1,668 - Backyard Forest, Rolling Boulders
  • 💭 1,669 - First Day at Notre Dame
  • 🤣 1,670 - Love Pentagon
  • 🤣 1,671 - Silly Drunk in the Streets
  • 💭 1,672 - Beauty Store Kid
  • 💭 1,673 - Storm Flood Water Slides
  • 🤣 1,674 - Problems with Carl Weathers

⚡️Lucid, 🤣Silly

I’ve never had a hug before!
— Dream #1,666

December Dream Summary

I can't believe it's already 2020! December flew by with lots of celebrations, travel, and of course - dreams! When I went to review my data for the month, I was surprised by how low my total dream count was. I'm usually up in the 90s for dream recall per month, so to hit the 70s was strange - I thought for sure it was higher. Nonetheless, I had some incredible experiences in December! Several dreams through the cosmos (my favorite!), lots of silly micro-moments, and plenty of healing and release. I'm looking forward to auditing my entire year and bringing in more complex matrics for you all to see! In the meantime, here are the usual basic stats for the month.



All-Time Total
As of December 31, 2019
Since June 7, 2018


December Total
November - 93
October - 88


December Regular
November - 73
October - 80


December Lucid (22%)
November - 20 (22%)
October - 8 (9%)



Floating Through the Cosmos

Image by NASA

Image by NASA

Dream of the Week: Floating Through the Cosmos

⚡️I'm unsure if I'm awake or asleep, lying quietly in an empty transition. There is nothing but darkness in my vision, but I am fully conscious and aware from my previous lucid dream. I get the impression that I'm moving from one dream to the next.

Suddenly, I get the sensation that I'm being lifted up into the darkness. As it happens, I see bright light swirling in the emptiness around me, giving me the impression that I am gaining speed as I go up. I'm amazed by whatever this is! I come out of the color light vortex and am launched into the cosmos, filled with distant stars, nebula, and planets. I begin free floating through the universe, tumbling, and flying joyfully.

I'm so crazy happy that I start singing about this feeling of being totally free, about dreaming, and about flying through the cosmos. I get the sense that I'm in control of everything I ever want or need.

I continue singing as I fly through space effortlessly, now singing about planets, specifically imagining Saturn as I belt out my planet song. Tiny Saturn "models" soon appear like bouncy balls in the sky. I catch them playfully on my way to nowhere. A mini-constellation of myself appears, and I'm so delighted by it that I wake up. ✨

Lucid Goal: Try flying to the Cosmos! Intend to go there. The magnitnutde of the experience is unparalled and surprisingly joyful every time. It’s one of my favorite lucid activities.


Weekly Stats:

22 Total, 05 Lucid

  • 💭 1,631 - Need to get my Papers
  • ⚡️ 1,632 - Instructions from a Tiny Self👏
  • ⚡️ 1,633 - Healing Stadium👏
  • ⚡️ 1,634 - Floating in the Cosmos🔥
  • 💭 1,635 - Copied Drawings
  • 💭 1,636 - The Woman in the House
  • 😂 1,637 - This Movie Starring My Parents
  • 💭 1,638 - Laundry Queue
  • 💭 1,639 - Office Visitor
  • 💭 1,640 - Find Your Focus
  • ⏱ 1,641 - Corner Store Threat
  • 🎨 1,642 - Wreckage Photo Tour
  • ⚡️ 1,643 - Ghost in the Fan
  • 💭 1,644 - City Street Promotions
  • 💭 1,645 - It's Extra for the Wall Art
  • 💭 1,646 - Divided Apartment
  • 💭 1,647 - Pink Face Bug Transformation
  • ⏱ 1,648 - Understudy Jester
  • 🎨 1,649 - Celebrity Face Morph
  • ⚡️ 1,650 - Meet the Puppet Master
  • ⏱ 1,651 - Trained for the Apocalypse
  • 💭 1,652 - Only One Doing it Right

⚡️Lucid, 🔥 Favorite, ⏱Recurring, 🤣Silly, 🎨Creative, 👏 Great One

Hero of the Sea

Image by Boba Jovanovic

Image by Boba Jovanovic

Dream of the Week: Hero of the Sea

I’m swept up in the action of a sailboat on a restless sea, sailing off the coast of an unknown city. Although the sea is rough, the captain and I have control, and it’s not quite dangerous... yet. I jump onto a smaller boat nearby when we spot a massive creature approaching in the distance. The wind picks up and the waves swell, dangerously rocking my little boat, making it critical for me to get back to the sailboat quickly.

The captain shouts that the only way I can get back to the ship is to jump on the creature’s back and leap on the sailboat from there. I maneuver my little boat close to the beast and realize that it’s a giant walrus and far too dangerous for me to use a springboard. I decide to go for the ship directly. I run from my little boat, leap into the air... and miss.

I fall into the water like a tonne of lead, sink beneath waves, and rapidly descend toward the bottom of the seafloor. Once at the bottom, I find that I’m tied up with ropes with weights on my feet. As I struggle to free myself, I notice several other people also trapped down here. I thrash my body trying to break the ropes when it occurs to me that I am out of breath, but I can still breathe under the water. This must be a dream!⚡️

Now lucid, I tell myself that none of this is real and that I am the only one who can free myself. I feel enormous joy as I untie the ropes and remove the weight. I swim easily, effortlessly, and with incredible enthusiasm, enjoying new, self-found freedom.

I head up to the surface when I remember the others! I swim back to each of them, untying their ropes and releasing their weights. I am overjoyed as I save them, seeing each one of them swim up to safety with a huge smile. Once they are all free, I swim back up to the surface again and wake up with a feeling of warmth, brightness, and heroism.

Note: This is one of my favorite dreams of 2019 because the lasting impact on my attitude the days after this happened.


Weekly Stats:

16 Total, 01 Lucid

  • ⏱ 1,615 - Restaurant Jealousy
  • ⏱ 1,616 - The Other Girl
  • ⚡️ 1,617 - Hero of the Sea
  • 💭 1,618 - Celebrity Office
  • 💭 1,619 - Wrong Email
  • 💭 1,620 - Guy Digging Holes
  • 💭 1,621 - Bear Containers
  • 🤣 1,622 - After Party with Oprah
  • 💭 1,623 - Upside Down Bedroom
  • 💭 1,624 - Just Take the Money
  • 💭 1,625 - Dreaming Mall
  • 🤣 1,626 - Lizzo Stage Escort
  • ⏱ 1,627 - Plane Trip Trap
  • 💭 1,628 - Switching Seats
  • ⏱ 1,629 - Top Floor Move
  • 💭 1,630 - Dream Yoga Contacts

⚡️Lucid, ⏱Recurring, 🤣Silly

Fish in a Fish Suit

Image by zhengtao tang

Image by zhengtao tang

Dream of the Week: Fish in a Fish Suit

Little bit of a slow dream week as I wrap up remaining projects for the year with a more stress than I’d like. Let's dip into the archives shall we? I love how absolutely insane silly this one is.

July 9, 2018
Dream #0090
Fish in a Fish Suit

I'm a fish version of me swimming with a fish friend of mine. We are in a fishbowl wearing enhanced fish suits that allow us to breathe better and last longer then we would as our regular small fish selves. We swim up with confidence to a golden dome in our bowl and want to go in. We try to swim through the dome door, but our fish suits are too big for us to squeeze in there. We unzip out of our fish costumes and are back to our small fish selves again, comfortably fitting through this magical golden dome the door. What excitement awaits us?

I go first because my fish friend is unsure we'll be able to make it very long without our suits. I tell him that we'll have exactly 20 seconds of time to explore, and we'll come right back to our costumes. Once inside the dome, we swim over to a conveyer belt being run by an underwater cat that distributes other cats. You swim into the machine, and you come out with a cat. The cat running the device says, "Come in and get your cat!" and so we do and the dream fades.


Weekly Stats:

12 Total, 01 Lucid

  • 💭 1,603 - Arturo Castro Marathon
  • 💭 1,604 - "CH" Intruder
  • 💭 1,605 - Hiding in Plain Site
  • 💭 1,606 - Indoor Coaster Puzzle Party
  • ⚡️ 1,607 - Bedroom Notes
  • 💭 1,608 - Pink City Cab
  • 💭 1,609 - Exposed at the Hotel
  • 💭 1,610 - Help with the Stolen Bike
  • 💭 1,611 - Indoor Park in a Frozen Tundra
  • 💭 1,612 - Esoteric Dream Society
  • 💭 1,613 - In the Wrong Guest Room
  • 💭 1,614 - Garage Bus Stop


Climb into the Photo

Image by Jenny Hill

Image by Jenny Hill

Dream of the Week: Climb into the Photo

I'm in a large classroom kind of environment that's filled with people, including several of my friends from high school, other acquaintances, and strangers all gathered in the seats neatly lined up. I seem to be the instructor, and I'm walking down a long aisle explaining the fundamentals of sleep and dream techniques.

I begin talking about lucid dreaming, and it occurs to me that I'm, in fact dreaming right now! ⚡️

Now lucid, I tell everyone to hold up the photograph that they brought with them to this dream workshop. I instruct the students to achieve their own lucidity by stepping into their photo in whatever way makes the most sense to them.

I do the same with mine, which is a picture of a starry night sky. I place the photograph facedown above my head with the intent of pulling it down over me so that I enter into the scene. When I first try this, the picture hits the top of my head, and I laugh at this silly failed attempt. I try again with more intention, holding both my hands tightly to the photograph and pulling it down over my head with more force.

This time, I successfully go through the photo and come up into the scene, where I'm now sitting on a suburban sidewalk at night. There are endless stars filling the sky and lots of trees surrounding the area. Other than that I am there on my own.

I consider what to do next and decide to directly call out to the dream and say, "Why is this important for me to see?" I hear a very distant and faint male voice begin to speak, but it's too quiet for me to understand. I ask the question again, and the voice speaks a bit louder, but I still can't hear it clearly. I can make out that it's saying something about dreams, but it's still much too faint - barely a whisper.

I'm super excited by this notion of the dream telling me about dreaming, and I desperately want to know what it's saying. I decide to fly up to a tree, thinking that I'll get closer to the voice once there. It continues to speak as I launch into the air toward a tree that has a giant bird carved into the top of its trunk. Once I reach the top of the tree, I listen for the voice again, but it stopped... and I wake up.

ProTip: Try asking questions of the dream itself! Simply call out your question to the sky and see what happens.


Weekly Stats:

25 Total, 03 Lucid

  • 💭 1,578 - Toxic Yard Crossing
  • 🤣 1,579 - Shower Dancing
  • 🤣 1,580 - Skateboard Home with Home
  • 💭 1,581 - Two Parties
  • 💭 1,582 - City Sister
  • 🎨 1,583 - Physical Dream Blog
  • 💭 1,584 - Time to Go
  • 💭 1,585 - Water Tornado
  • 💭 1,586 - But, I Don't Know Henna
  • ⚡️ 1,587 - Climb Into the Photo
  • 🎨 1,588 - Lucid Dream Glasses
  • ⚡️ 1,589 - Horse & Buggy Rising
  • 💭 1,590 - Half Dome Rental Car
  • 🤣 1,591 - Silicon Valley Scene
  • 🤣 1,592 - Bluth Family Divorce
  • 💭 1,593 - Plant Store Check-out
  • 💭 1,594 - Workshop Feedback
  • 💭 1,595 - Berries on the Train
  • 💭 1,596 - Walking Path Selfies
  • 💭 1,597 - "You Do You"
  • ⚡️ 1,598 - Penthouse Pool
  • 💭 1,599 - Ground Floor Pool Guy
  • 🤣 1,600 - Funny Cooking
  • 💭 1,601 - Purple Kayaks
  • 🎨 1,602 - Heart Drawing Demo

⚡️Lucid, 🤣Silly, 🎨Creative