Image by Ryan Warburton
Dream of the Week: Floating Above Town
It’s the middle of the night and I’m lying still, feeling the onset qualities of a Wake Initiated Lucid Dream (WILD). I feel as though I am being pulled up out of myself, and begin floating up out of the room without controlling the motion or trajectory. ⚡️
Lucid, I’m float-flying at a high speed, vertically positioned, and backward over a regular suburban town at a relatively low height. It appears to be autumn as the leaves are beautiful shades of gold and red. It’s such a delightful experience! I wonder where I’m heading, whizzing through the trees and over buildings, still at the control of something else. I manage to think “up and forward” and then go in that direction.
Now moving ahead, I float above a high-security zone blocked off by big cement walls. I get the impression that it’s a military operation. I hover steadily here and watch below as women are running around outside, appearing as though to be mid-evacuation. I wonder what’s happening down there and if I should investigate by flying down there or explore something else. The dream fades.

ProTip: Have a plan or intention prior to going to sleep each night. Ask for a dream that reflects your intention. And let go when the dream wants to do something else.
Weekly Stats:
16 Total, 03 Lucid
- 💭 1,675 - Ruined Their Wedding
- 💭 1,676 - Drawing Help
- 💭 1,677 - Getting Up at 5:30
- ⚡️ 1,678 - Marble Eyes
- 💭 1,679 - Earplugs Exposed
- ⚡️ 1,680 - At the Edge of Town
- ⏱ 1,681 - Jump to the Past
- 💭 1,682 - Night Sail
- 💭 1,683 - Save the Network!
- 💭 1,684 - Forgotten Eggs Fight
- ⚡️ 1,685 - Floating Above Town
- 💭 1,686 - Old Fashioned Ice Box
- 🤣 1,687 - Abandoned Toy Store Sleepover
- 💭 1,688 - Spreadsheet Column Game
- 💭 1,689 - Swimming Coach Crime Reenactment
- ⏱ 1,690 - Red Bird Book Fight
⚡️Lucid, ⏱Recurring, 🤣Silly