Monthly Stats

June Dream Summary

In last month’s dream summary, I mentioned that I was going to pause my typical once-a-month use of Galantamine to work on my progression naturally. Which is still true! But, I have been actively working on a super-important-to-me project (getting a new name for this website, in fact) and I just could not achieve higher levels of lucid clarity to ask my dreams for help. I absolutely loved the idea of having the name of this website project come to me in a dream - one might even say I was a bit obsessed. What a cool story! But, obsession is never a good state to be in. I’d like to say that I over-focused on the task and thus blocked myself from the balance, joy, and lightness so required of quality lucid dreaming (and sleep for that matter) and ultimately blocked my creativity in the process.

In the last week of June, filled with intense desire to produce a creative name for this website with the help of my dreams, I took an 8MG dose of Galantamine on Tuesday night and thus got an end-of-month spike reflected in the data below. Without it, my numbers would have been relatively lower than previous months, given the reduction in Galantamine use. In any case, now as I go into the next three-month quarter (how my dream spreadsheets are organized), I plan to pause use completely for a new set of raw data with the goal of learning more about what activities, practices, and patterns really help me achieve lucidity naturally.

And for those wondering, my dreams gave me two names: “The Cave” in a naturally induced lucid dream which I upped to “The Great Cave” in my potential list and “Still Wind” in a Galantamine induced lucid dream. Neither of them won out.


All-Time Total
As of June 30, 2019
Since Jun 7, 2018


June Total
May - 61
April - 90


June Regular
May - 50
April - 71


June Lucid (14%)
May - 11 (18%)
April - 19 (21%)



May Dream Summary

May is a low quantity dream month, but the quality was just as good. Traveling through Norway for two weeks most definitely had an impact on my dream recall, though to be honest, I wasn’t practicing very much while away. It also didn’t help things that I suffered through some unpleasant illnesses out there. Having a healthy body and a healthy mind (and sleep!) are key ingredients to successful dream time practices, and it was lacking for much of May - by design!

In any case, the percent of lucid dreams remained on par with previous months and I’ve been intentionally been pausing Galantamine use to gather a few months of data without it to see how I’m progressing naturally. For now, I plan to stop use until the super new moon (I like to use the moon to target “special occasions”) that takes place August 11th, 2019. You can’t see a super new moon, but I like knowing it’s there. 🌑

Anyway, on to the stats!


All-Time Total
As of May 31, 2019
Since Jun 7, 2018


May Total
April - 90
March - 103


May Regular
April - 71
March - 85


May Lucid (18%)
April - 19 (21%)
March - 18 (17%)



April Dream Summary

April numbers are in and I’m so thrilled to have reached a major milestone this month: 🎉 1,000 dreams recorded in detail! 😱

The scale of this project is immense and I am absolutely obsessed with every minute, every detail, every stat, every experience! It’s a remarkable space that I am so excited to continue working with. My collection is so massive at this stage and I am actively exploring ways I uncover overarching patterns from the collective set - as well as working with specific individual “big” dreams. It’s all very exciting!

I was in NYC and plenty jet-lagged with long work hours in late April, which naturally effected my overall dream count and quality. The increase in lucid percentage can also be attributed to the fact that I took Galantamine twice this month, when I am usually taking it once every few months.


All-Time Total
As of April 30, 2019
Since Jun 7, 2018


April Total
March - 103
February - 94


April Regular
March - 85
February - 77


April Lucid (21%)
March - 18 (17%)
February - 17 (18%)



March Dream Summary

Lots of dreamy dream time this month! I’m on par with my monthly averages, though growing steadily. I’m active in two dream groups at present, so it certainly helps with overall recall and lucidity. It’s also worth noting that there are always teeny dream fragments that l recall or dreams that I’m never able to pull out but I know where there. Only ones that I record a full dream narrative count in my overall total. I really, really love tracking all of this data, it’s so much fun for me. Not everyone likes this style. I’m obsessed.


All-Time Total
As of March 31, 2019
Since Jun 7, 2018


March Total
February - 94
January - 110


March Regular
February - 77
January - 97


March Lucid (17%)
February - 17 (18%)
January - 22 (18%)