The Sleeping Third

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July Dream Summary

July was a fantastic dreaming month! More dreams overall and a higher percentage of lucid dreams. Of course, it’s not always just about quantity, the quality and duration of these lucid dreams also were better. That’s not as easily quantifiable since it’s quite subjective, but take my word for it. It’s definitely exciting to see “progress” even if it’s not as obviously “measurable.”

Even more exciting about this high-quality dreaming month is that it’s the first month where I did not use Galantamine. I typically like to use the supplement to boost my lucidity once a month or so, but I’m intentionally pausing use for the next three months to see how I’m progressing without it. I really enjoy using supplements when I have specific intentions. This break is not forever, but! It’s so exciting to see these kinds of results naturally.

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All-Time Total
As of July 31, 2019
Since Jun 7, 2018

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July Total
June - 83
May - 61

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July Regular
June - 71
May - 50

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July Lucid (18%)
June - 12 (14%)
May - 11 (18%)

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