The Sleeping Third

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Wild Nature

Photo by Ales Krivec

Dream of the Week: Wild Nature

It’s morning and I’m just waking up in bed in a white bedroom that seems like a hybrid between my current bedroom and my childhood bedroom. Morning sunlight is pouring into the room feeling happy and bright. There is something special about the vibe and I wonder if it could be a dream. I look for something with words so I can do a re-reading state check. If the words appear to change after reading and re-reading, I know I’m in. I see my Apple Watch on the window sill (ignoring, of course, that it doesn’t belong there) and inspect the face. Everything seems normal except a tiny green widget in the bottom left corner that displays the time. It first reads 8:20 and then subtly shifts through a few other times. Ah, it is a dream! ⚡️

Now lucid, I am still standing in front of the window. I open the white curtain and am overjoyed to see a beautiful clear day with an incredible view of a snowy mountain peak outside my window. The immediate surroundings have the distinct feeling of my childhood home and property, as if it were dropped in a mountainous region. I think about how amazing it would be to have this view every day. Below, the ground is covered in white fluffy snow. Just outside the window to the left is a wide rocky stream flowing down with bright blue-green water. It reminds me of Tahoe.

I open the window itself and think of flying to the peak and climb out the window prepared to fly. I seem to hover horizontally for a moment just out of the window unsure of where I will go. I launch forward but don’t get much height so I turn slightly and grab hold of the rocks from the mountain stream hanging there for a moment before climbing up.

I can see water rushing water down the river rocks from above and cascading below. I’m in awe at the beautiful clear, blue-green water against the rocks and the fluffy white snow. For a moment I consider jumping into the water and flowing down with it where it disappears into the ground. As I consider this, the water stops flowing leaving just smooth rocks below as if to invite me in. I turn and look back up to see what’s happening behind me where the water came from and the water starts flowing again. I look back down and the rocks now form a bit of a veranda overlooking the view of the mountain and the valley below. Any impression of my old house and a neighborhood is now gone, it’s pure wilderness.

I consider going to the edge of the rocky veranda to mediate, but my curiosity pulls me to keep exploring a little longer. I decide to climb further up the rocky stream. I see more snowy mountain peaks still clear and beautiful ahead. A few steps in, I come across an old, rickety ladder along the path up. I consider its texture and continue to be in awe. Just at the top of the ladder is a small white mountain goat or ram and another wild creature next to it. I look over to my left and notice a large flock of crows flying in and settling down on the rocks, gathering near me. Just beyond that, I see a few gray speckled porpoises swimming up in the rocky waters, now calm and peaceful. I’m overwhelmed. I think about talking to the animals and consider asking questions of the dream overall, but I am so struck by their presence that I just stand at the bottom of the ladder taking it all in with wonder. I don’t want to ruin this moment! And then I wake up.

ProTip: Rehearse your dreams for a better chance of going back in. This is one I’d love to go back to. What are your dream re-entry experiences?

Weekly Stats:

20 Dreams, 3 Lucid

  • 💭 1,150 - Simplified Suggestion
  • ⚡️ 1,151 - Wild Nature 🔥
  • 💭 1,152 - Heirloom Pillow
  • 💭 1,153 - Visiting Friends
  • 💭 1,154 - Immersive Concert
  • 🤣 1,155 - Yardley Sauce
  • 💭 1,156 - On March 8th
  • ⚡️ 1,157 - In the Dark
  • 💭 1,158 - Dirty Cabinets
  • ⚡️ 1,159 - Book Mountain
  • 💭 1,160 - Sending the Dream
  • 💭 1,161 - Dreamer's Cafeteria
  • 💭 1,162 - Hotel Distractions
  • ⏱ 1,163 - Emergency Plane Switch
  • 💭 1,164 - Bathroom Fall
  • 💭 1,165 - Awake or Asleep
  • 💭 1,166 - Parachute Evasion
  • 💭 1,167 - Ship Activities
  • 💭 1,168 - Old Summer Camp
  • 💭 1,169 - Late for the Test

⚡️Lucid, 🔥Top, ⏱Recurring, 🤣Silly