The Sleeping Third

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The Dreaming Atrium

Photo by Peter Ivey-Hansen

Dream of the Week: The Dreaming Atrium

⚡️ I am relaxed and counting my breaths when I get pulled into a lucid dream directly from just being awake, (Waking Induced Lucid Dream aka WILD). The space is a large open circular atrium hall, ornate in its details and columns. It reminds me a bit of San Francisco City Hall in some ways, though far less ornamental.

In a small corner of atrium is a small marketplace stall with a very short, brow-haired woman behind a counter selling wares. At first I think she is a child given her height, but as I approach her, she is clearly a woman in her 30s. Once I recognize her, I seem to know her as Nina and give her a hug. She is happy to see me. I ask what she has for me today. She shows me some amethysts, clear quartz, and one or two other things I don't recall.

In waking life, my partner shuffles in the bed, the dream goes black, and I wake up for just a few moments. I manage to jump right back into the same dream once asleep. Nina is still there but has some pendants for me to see. I really like one and ask her to hold it for me. I look back into the circular atrium and recall my intent to ask The Dream for help with my project.

I turn to Nina and ask her to get me a microphone. She nods and a 50s style silver mic on a stand rises up from a plant-covered fountain at the edge of the atrium. I'm delighted! I run up to the mic with excitement and confidence and say, "Help me name my dream project!"

As I wait to see what happens, I take note of how beautiful this place is. There are plants around me that seem to be growing behind and above me. I see a beautiful fresco on the ceiling, light blue in color with figures that remind me of the Italian renaissance. I touch the plants and feel the waxy texture. I'm amazed by the glorious detail!

I seem to address The Dream without words at this point. I seem to say, "I know you're here, look all this incredible detail - I didn't make this!" I seem to be suggesting that I'm disappointed in the "silence" from the dream after shouting my request.

The dream begins to go dark from the edges until it overtakes the scene completely - but it's different this time. I don't wake up at all, it's just dark like I've been shut out. It's very unusual, but only lasts a few seconds and I'm back again in the beautiful atrium. I turn to ask Nina, who again is still there, for the microphone again so that I can ask for help again. I change my mind, tell her, "Wait no. I don't need it" and fly up to the center of the atrium.

Floating half-way above the ground and ceiling in the direct center of this place, I hold my hands out, just slightly above my waist, and ask the dream again for help on naming my project - though the specific words escape me.

The darkness around the edges of the dream close in on me again and I'm so curious as to why this is happening. Again, I do not wake up, I'm just in darkness for a few seconds. I come back in and this time I seem to be in the same building, but on a staircase landing with white marble floors. A crowd of people are hurrying by as I stand there watching them. I try to ask a dream figure for help, stopping one, an old man. He is terrified of me, hides his head and runs off.

As I look to my left for people from the crowd to address, a man comes in from the center and stops before me. He has light in his eyes. He feels important. We talk for a minute and he hands me a scroll-like piece of paper. I ask him if this is the name of my project. He doesn't react.

I open the scroll and the words are unclear. I can make out, "S T I L and W I N D" with other illegible text on the page. I look up and ask him if it says, "Still Wind?" He doesn't react. I look down at the paper and it's changing again. The words are utterly nonsense. The letters and words continue to morph and shift illegibly and I become dissatisfied. I tell him that he must know that I can't read this and it will never stay still. He has no reaction to that either.

The man and I seem to have taken a seat on the steps. We talk for a little while, but I'm unable to recall the specifics - something about my brother - but not my real brother. The dream fades again but I fully wake up this time.

Watch Out: Sometimes the answers you seek from your lucid dreams are utter nonsense… and that’s part of the fun!

Weekly Stats: 20 Dreams (5 Lucid)

  • 💭 1,128 - Cave Swimming
  • 💭 1,129 - High School Donation Drive
  • ⚡️ 1,130 - On the Rooftops*
  • ⚡️ 1,131 - Sidewalk Women*
  • ⚡️ 1,132 - Fantasy Event Architecture*
  • ⚡️ 1,133 - The Dreaming Atrium*
  • 💭 1,134 - Summer Walking
  • 🤣 1,135 - Swimming Pool Car
  • 💭 1,136 - Wedding Poker
  • 💭 1,137 - Who's Who Deck of Cards
  • 💭 1,138 - Shifting Parties
  • 💭 1,139 - Crowded Apartment
  • 💭 1,140 - Dangerous Way Home
  • 💭 1,141 - RomCom Ending
  • 💭 1,142 - Threatened in an Airbnb
  • 💭 1,143 - Mountain View Afternoon
  • 💭 1,144 - Euro New Business
  • ⚡️ 1,145 - Through the Bath Mirror
  • 💭 1,146 - New Camera Brand
  • 💭 1,147 - Media Split
  • 💭 1,148 - Bar Catch-up
  • 💭 1,149 - Train Clean-up

⚡️Lucid, 🤣Silly, 🕷Nightmare
Galantamine taken on night with dreams marked*