Pool Dance Party
Dream of the Week: Pool Dance Party
I’m swimming in a massive outdoor pool in the middle of a lush, tree-filled public park. Lots of other swimmers are enjoying the beauty of the water amongst the bountiful plant life. Joyfully leaping in and out of the pool, and producing perfectly crisp splashes, I suddenly realize I’m dreaming!
Now lucid, I clearly and eagerly recall my goal of getting everyone in a dream to dance with me. ⚡️
Standing at the edge of the water, I gleefully shake and dance around, with total abandonment of inhibition. I wave my hands, jump about sprightly, and joyfully groove to an imagined beat, hoping the dream figures in the pool will join me. My dancing continues for a short while before they eventually jump in and mimic my motions. When I wave my arms, they follow, all with exuberant smiles, effervescent freedom, and energized spirits. I feel like I’m revitalizing my whole self by getting these figures to move with me
I then notice that all the dream figures here are women, and relish in the feminine spirit. I take off my swimsuit, and they all follow. We’re overflowing with carefree joy, completely secure in ourselves, and our uninhibited bliss. It’s incredible! I dive into the pool and feel the water’s cool sensation as I soar swiftly beneath the surface.
I wake up.
Note: The energy of dancing in this dream made such a positive impact on my mood the following day. Give it a try!
Weekly Stats:
13 Total, 1 Lucid
- 💭 2,374 - Point the Missiles Underground
- 💭 2,375 - My Friend's Big Family
- 💭 2,376 - Incoming Drones
- 💭 2,377 - Backyard Card Games
- 🎨 2,378 - Zoo After Hours
- 💭 2,379 - Visiting New Jersey
- 💭 2,380 - Scuba Trip Arrangements
- ⚡️ 2,381 - Pool Dance Party 🔥
- 💭 2,382 - Team Back to Work
- 💭 2,383 - Friend's Phone Number
- 🤣 2,384 - Christmas Outfit
- 🕷 2,385 - Over the Top Car Crash
- 🤣 2,386 - Wedding with The Rock
⚡️Lucid, 🔥Favorite, 🤣Silly, 🎨Creative, 🕷Nightmare